Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Prizes presented to winners of second cycle of military history quiz

On behalf of the Minister of Defence, State Secretary Branko Živanović has presented Lieutenant Mladen Timotijević and Biljana Kuzmanović, the winners of the second cycle of the military history "SVI QUIZ", with vouchers for a seven-day holiday in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces’ rest and recreation facilities.
  The quiz prize award ceremony was attended by Assistant Minister for Human Resources Katarina Tomašević and Colonel Miljan Milkić, PhD, from the Defence University, who congratulated the winners on their success. During their conversation with the contestants, they said they were glad that the second quiz cycle had attracted numerous military history fans.  

The winner of the second cycle, a member of the 204th Air Brigade, Air Force and Air Defence, Lieutenant Mladen Timotijević, answered eight out of 10 questions correctly in a minute and 43 seconds, and the second prize winner Biljana Kuzmanović, a history teacher, gave the same number of correct answers in a minute and 49 seconds. A total of 160 competitors took part in the second quiz cycle. The winner, Mladen Timotijević, won a seven-day holiday in one of the facilities owned by the “Tara” Military Establishment, and Biljana Kuzmanović won a seven-day holiday in the "Morović" Military Establishment.
  Lieutenant Timotijević said that he had not prepared for the quiz and added that he had fallen in love with history when he was a student, and that he was still interested in it.

The runner-up, Biljana Kuzmanović, a history teacher at the Fifth School of Economics in Rakovica and the Zemun Grammar School, said that she had learned about the quiz through the Ministry of Defence Instagram account, and that she was extremely interested in military history. The quiz caught her attention because some of her students are interested in enrolling in the Military Academy.
  Everyone who wishes to take part in the quiz can do so on the official Ministry of Defence website and the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces Facebook page.
The quiz will be held every first Saturday of the month until the end of 2022, and the next opportunity for military history fans to test their knowledge and win valuable prizes will be on April 2.