Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Safest Military Driver Awards 2021

This year’s first meeting of the Committee for the Safety of Military Road Traffic Participants was held at the “Topčider“ barracks in Belgrade, with the most responsible members of the Serbian Armed Forces Transportation Corps participating.
The traffic safety situation in the Republic of Serbia over the past year was discussed in the meeting, with a particular focus on the safety of military drivers. Conclusions were made and measures were adopted to improve the safety of military road traffic participants and the safest drivers in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces were awarded.
  The winners of the Safest Driver Award 2021 are Senior Sergeant 1st Class Vladimir Ralić from the 204th Air Brigade, professional soldier, Corporal Ivan Petrović from the Central Logistics Base, and civilian Goran Radojević, also from the Central Logistics Base. Last year, they covered the most kilometres driving military vehicles used to transport liquid goods, without being involved in traffic accidents or causing driving offences or unforeseen incidents related to the transport of dangerous goods.
The best drivers were presented with the awards by Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković, who is also the President of the Committee for the Safety of Military Road Traffic Participants.