Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović at UNIFIL'S Sector East base in Lebanon

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, who is paying a visit to the Serbian Armed Forces contingent participating in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, has met today with Sector East Commander, Brigadier General Ramón Armada Vázquez.
  At the Sector East Headquarters, Minister Stefanović was welcomed by a combined platoon composed of members of the Serbian and Spanish contingents.

General Vázquez briefed Minister Stefanović about the current security situation in UNIFIL, focusing on the events in Sector East, the tasks that are currently being carried out, and the composition and dispositions of units that make up the multinational brigade.

In order to be efficient, it is important that everyone on the mission functions as one big family, said Vázquez, stating that members of the Spanish and Serbian contingents cultivate exceptionally friendly relations and stressing the outstanding professionalism of members of the Serbian Armed Forces who participate in UNIFIL.

Minister Stefanović said that, by participating in UN multinational operations, Serbia confirms its commitment to peace, stability and security, and contributes to their preservation in the world.
  - I am proud of our members who also greatly contribute to promoting a positive image of Serbia in the world by doing excellent work - said Minister Stefanović.
The Senior National Representative of the Serbian Armed Forces in Lebanon, Colonel Ivica Stojanović, informed the Minister about the dispositions of Serbian troops and tasks they perform as part of participating forces.

He pointed out that all members of the Serbian Armed Forces perform their tasks in a determined and motivated manner.
During today's tour of the base, Minister Stefanović also talked to the Serbian staff officers in the Sector East Headquarters.
There are currently 177 Serbian peacekeepers in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, most of whom are members of the Infantry Company in Sector East and the Force Protection Platoon in Sector West.