Army Command conducts Command and Staff Training Exercise
Members of the Army Command and part of the immediate support units have conducted the "Winter 2022" Command and Staff Training Exercise at detached locations this week.
The goal of the training exercise was to improve the abilities of this operational command of the Serbian Armed Forces for staff work, forces command and control in preparation and execution of operations and during disengagement.

The activities, which lasted for several days, the Army Command staff officers and non-commissioned officers practiced carrying out staff assessments and making and implementing decisions to engage forces, applying standard operating procedures.
Concurrently, signals and military police units tested their skills for providing telecommunication and information security and ensuring safety of the command post.
The Command and Staff Training Exercise is an important form of practical training conducted by the SAF commands, aiming to enhance competences for a proper and timely employment of forces on operations and to test standard operating procedures and the established command system in practice.