Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

First 375 new apartments for members of security forces in Galenika

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Prof. Darija Kisić, M.D, PhD, and the Mayor of Belgrade Prof. Zoran Radojičić, M.D, PhD, have attended a ceremony marking the hand-over of 375 newly built apartments to members of the security forces in Belgrade’s Galenika neighbourhood. According to Minister Stefanović, these are the first 375 apartments out of a total of 1,000 that are to be allocated to members of the security forces in this neighbourhood.
- This is a truly special moment for me. Yesterday, I went to Niš with the Prime Minister, where we had the opportunity to hand over the keys to 150 apartments that had been built there through a different model, to their new owners. I am glad that today we have the opportunity to do the same, as part of the state housing project launched by President Vučić in 2017. Today, we are handing over the keys to the first 375 apartments out of a total of 1,000 in this neighbourhood. We’ve had the opportunity to see the apartments that are exceptionally well built, constructed by a local company, a family company, and I want to thank those people and all the workers who participated in the construction. More than 80 percent of materials used for the construction of these apartments were produced by our factories, which shows that we have looked after the interests of the local economy - said Minister Stefanović.

According to him, this is another way for President Vučić and the Government to say a big thank you to all the people working in the armed forces, police force, Security Information Agency and the Ministry of Justice for their work and for serving us all.
- Doing that job is not easy. Everyone who has spent a day with these services knows how much effort they put in, and how much stress and danger these people are exposed to every working day, and whenever we are going through difficult times, whenever we are in need, these people are the first to help and protect the citizens of Serbia - said the Minister.

It is therefore important, the Minister said, that they and their families have a roof over their heads.

- I would like to thank the mayor and all city services for all the infrastructural works that have been done here. The construction continues, we expect a kindergarten to be built here, and we are also considering the renovation of a school and putting it back into use, so that in addition to public utilities that have been provided here, future residents of this neighbourhood will have the necessary infrastructure - said Minister Stefanović.

He congratulated all service members who are moving into their new apartments, which they have deserved through hard work.
  - I hope that your lives here start in a different, more beautiful way, and bring you happiness, so that we have reason to rejoice together and celebrate things like this, because this is a way for Serbia to progress, to build, to look after people. Members of the security forces have earned this kind of attention through their work. They never ask if the state can do something for them, but what they can do for their state. We need to continue with this project throughout the country, because they deserve it. And we will continue to build apartments in Belgrade and throughout Serbia - said Minister Stefanović.
According to Minister Kisić, two years ago, there was a field where the apartment complex for members of the security forces is today.  

- This shows that we carry out everything we have envisaged and planned. It is very important that the construction did not stop even during the pandemic, so today, after Vranje, Kraljevo, Kruševac, Sremska Mitrovica and Novi Sad, we are presenting the members of the security forces with the keys to their new apartments in Belgrade - said Kisić and expressed hope that they would spend many beautiful and happy moments in their new apartments.
  According to Mayor Radojičić, two years ago, a cornerstone for the apartment complex was laid in Zemun, and the construction of those apartments is being completed on time.

- This is another proof that a harmonious relationship between the ideas of President Vučić, the Government of Serbia and local self-governments leads to the implementation of projects and that with a harmonious relationship, peace and security, together we can achieve the greatest goals - said Radojičić.
  Lieutenant Colonel Nevenka Darmanović from the Ministry of Defence has received the keys to her new apartment today.

- I'm very happy. I’ve got a 56-square-metre apartment, which is big enough for my family and I am happy that I finally have an apartment of my own. I have waited for a long time, that’s a fact, but the waiting has paid off - said Lieutenant Colonel Darmanović.

She emphasized that this is a very favourable way to solve the housing problem and thanked the President of the Republic, the Government of Serbia and the Ministry of Defence for the chance to get a roof over her heads.