Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Permanent employment for 48 people in military health

At today's ceremony marking the Military Medical Academy Day, 48 people were presented with decisions on admission to permanent employment in the Military Health Department by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD. On this occasion, he thanked the MMA staff, pointing out that the entire military health care system has shown tenacity and resilience during the Covid pandemic, withstood enormous pressure, provided assistance to a large number of patients, but also kept its doctors and nurses.
- It seems to me that we have managed to show that the military health care system, as well as the national health care system in general, is extremely resilient. We have managed to cope with enormous pressure caused by the coronavirus, to help a huge number of patients, and military health care was there for them, and it always will be - said Minister Stefanović.
Speaking about the Covid crisis slightly easing, the Minister said that in addition to the retention of military health employees and staff reinforcements, one of the priorities is the provision of new equipment.

- In addition to the new scanners we have procured, the one donated by the United States that will be in the Karaburma Hospital and the 64-slice one that you have here and that we have obtained thanks to President Vučić and Sheikh bin Zayed, I will not be happy until the MMA has got its own PET scan, an X-Knife and a Gamma-Knife - said Minister Stefanović, saying that this is being worked on.

As he pointed out, quality diagnostics will be the Military Medical Academy’s key mission in the future.

- The MMA is a hospital that provides services to both civilians and the military. In that sense, hiring new people is always a joyful thing, it seems to me that on this anniversary, on the birthday of the Military Medical Academy, the admission of 48 new employees is really good news. I want to thank the entire MMA team for the great thing you have managed to do, namely to retain a large number of employees in these challenging times, professors, doctors, nurses, technicians and other employees who have tied their destinies to the Military Medical Academy even in times like these - said Minister Stefanović.
He also emphasized the importance of preserving the people's trust in military health care.  - The people who come to the Military Medical Academy have great expectations and we must live up to them, we must make sure they leave here and return to their families as healthy as possible. You have managed to fulfil that mission, which has not been easy, and I thank you for that on behalf of the entire Government and the Ministry of Defence, and it seems to me that the citizens of Serbia also said that very clearly - said Minister Stefanović.
He said that the military health care system does not only include the Military Medical Academy.

- There is also the military hospital in Novi Sad, the military hospital in Niš, in New Belgrade, Covid hospitals, our military doctors in garrisons, all this makes up the military health system and that system has shown exceptional ability to cope with difficulties - said Minister Stefanović.
Minister Stefanović congratulated the people who received awards on the occasion of the Military Medical Academy Day, saying that he was glad that these traditions are maintained and that we should never allow people who have spent their lives working hard for our country to be forgotten.

- It also provides encouragement to others whose daily activities and hard work make each of us proud of the Military Medical Academy’s big name. Once again, I want to congratulate you on everything you have done - said Minister Stefanović.  Saying that over the past year, the battle was fought on multiple fronts, Head of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel Prof. Miroslav Vukosavljević, MD, PhD, pointed out that the MMA celebrates its anniversary more technologically advanced and with more staff.

- All the good and progressive things that have been done under the roof of this institution, all the health workers and auxiliary staff who have made a great deal of effort in providing care to the injured and sick, will be remembered, but will also testify to what 2021, the year of the pandemic, was like - stressed Colonel Vukosavljević.

According to him, about 380,000 outpatient examinations were performed, more than 24,000 patients were hospitalized, and almost 20,000 surgical procedures were performed.

- As for the investment in equipment last year, I would like to single out the new 64-slice scanner that was put into operation at the MMA Institute of Radiology, and our Temporary Military Covid Hospital in Karaburma is about to get a scanner and a digital X-ray machine. There is no organizational unit in the Military Medical Academy that has not received a new instrument or device that has improved the quality of work - Colonel Vukosavljević emphasized, announcing a construction project at the Military Medical Academy.

On the occasion of the Military Medical Academy Day, a medal named after Dr. Vladan Đorđević, a great Serbian surgeon and one of those responsible for the development of military medicine in general, was awarded to Prof. Danica Grujičić, MD, PhD, and Colonel Prof. Vojkan Stanić MD, PhD (retd). Head of the Military Medical Academy’s Surgical Clinics Group, Colonel Prof. Boban Đorđević, MD, PhD, read the biographies of the winners of this prestigious award, which is given as a sign of gratitude for everything a person has done during their career.

The award for the best organizational unit within the Sector for Treatment went to the Clinic for Emergency Internal Medicine, while the Logistics Sector received an award for providing tremendous support for the functioning of the Military Medical Academy. The award was presented to the Head of the Clinic for Emergency Internal Medicine, Assistant Professor Nemanja Đenić, MD, PhD, and the Head of the Logistics Sector, Colonel Professor Miljojko Janošević, MD, PhD.  The Military Medical Academy celebrates its anniversary on this day in memory of March 2, 1844, when Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević signed a decree passing the "Law on the Organization of Central Army Hospital". On that day, the first military hospital was founded in Belgrade, whose history was passed on to the Military Medical Academy.

Milica Lojić Martinović is one of the people who have received a decision on permanent employment today. She graduated from the Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, and will do her internal medicine residency at the Clinic for Rheumatology.

- Being here is a great honour, something that most doctors in our country have been dreaming of since childhood. This is a great institution, an institution with a long experience, a research and educational institution, so I will be honoured to be part of this team, I will do my best to contribute to the better functioning of this institution - Milica pointed out.

Her colleague, Nikola Mutić, also a Medical Faculty graduate, is becoming an employee of the Military Health today.  

- I have been given a permanent employment contract today. I will work at the Neurosurgery Clinic. That is what I wished for and now my wish has come true. I'm overjoyed about that. I can plan for the future, and I have an opportunity for career advancement - Nikola emphasized.