Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović presents decrees on promotions and appointments

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Nebojša Stefanović, PhD presented today decrees on promotions and appointments to new positions, passed by the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, to officers of the Serbian Armed Forces. The ceremony was held at the Old General Staff’s Great War Hall.
At today’s ceremony, which was attended by the Minister and the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, Zoran Stojković, Đuro Jovanić, Srđan Petković, Željko Petrović and Slađan Stamenković were promoted to the rank of major general. General Stamenković was also appointed Deputy Army Commander. Saša Petrović was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. Brigadier General Nikola Dejanović was appointed Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard, Colonel Siniša Stašević was appointed Commander of the Second Army Brigade, and Colonel Dragan Antić Commander of the Third Army Brigade.  

- I have had the opportunity to work with each of you and to make sure that these promotions and appointments to new, important positions, in accordance with the decree issued by the President, are being given to the right people. They are the crown of your careers during which you have done a lot for our armed forces and our country. You have acted honourably and your country is proud of you. You have been a support that our armed forces and our country could count on - said Minister Stefanović.
The Minister thanked the officers personally and on behalf of the President for being dedicated to their work, expressing his conviction that their promotions and appointments would be an incentive for them to show absolute commitment in the coming period. He also announced that the armed forces would get new reinforcement, in terms of technology, in the months to come.  Major General Zoran Stojković was born on January 20, 1969 in Novo Mesto. His professional military career started in 1991. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1991, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2002 and the General Staff Course in 2010. He is the director of the Military Intelligence Agency.

Major General Đuro Jovanić was born on July 14, 1977 in Apatin. His professional military career started in 2001. He graduated from the Military Academy in 2001, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2009, the General Staff Course in 2015 and Advanced Security and Defence Studies in 2016. He is the director of the Military Security Agency.
Major General Srđan Petković was born on February 14, 1968 in Pirot. His professional military career started in 1992. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1992, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2009, General Staff Course in 2013 and the Advanced Security and Defence Studies in 2021. He is Head of the Logistics Department, General Staff.

Major General Slađan Stamenković was born on August 7, 1968 in Vranje. His professional military career started in 1988. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1991, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2002, General Staff Course in 2011 and the Advanced Security and Defence Studies in 2020. Up until now, he served as Commander of the Third Army Brigade.
Major General Željko Petrović was born on November 15, 1967 in Zrenjanin. His professional military career started in 1990. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1990, completed the General Staff School in 2000, General Staff Course in 2007 and the Advanced Security and Defence Studies in 2013. He is the Commander of the Training Command.

Brigadier General Saša Petrović was born on September 12, 1969 in Kumanovo.  His professional military career started in 1988.  He graduated from the Military Academy in 1991, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2005, and the General Staff Course in 2012.  He is the Commander of the Central Logistics Base, Logistics Department, General Staff.

Brigadier General Nikola Dejanović was born on February 21, 1969 in Osijek. His professional military career started in 1992. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1992, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2006, General Staff Course in 2010 and the Advanced Security and Defence Studies in 2020. Up until now, he served as Deputy Commander of the Training Command.
Colonel Siniša Stašević was born on December 17, 1971 in Tutin. His professional military career started in 1994. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1994, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2007 and General Staff Course in 2014. Up until now, he served as Head of the Armed Forces Combat Readiness Section, Operations Department, General Staff.

Colonel Dragan Antić was born on January 18, 1969 in Kosovska Kamenica. His professional military career started in 1992. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1992, completed the Command and Staff Course in 2002 and General Staff Course in 2012. He served as Deputy Commander of the Third Army Brigade.