Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Secondary school students invited to visit Military Academy on Saturday

On Saturday, February 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m, the Military Academy will open its doors to all secondary school students and their parents who want to gain first-hand information regarding this higher education institution’s curriculum, accommodation and sports facilities, student enrolment competition requirements and procedures for enrolling in one of a total of seven programs of study in the next school year.  The competition for admission into military schools - Military Academy, Military Medical Academy’s Medical Faculty, Military Grammar School and Secondary Vocational Military School has been open since February 15, and interested candidates can submit their applications until March 31 this year. The "Open Doors" campaign is an opportunity for future cadets to see all the advantages of studying at the Military Academy every Saturday until March 26 and clear up any misconceptions that might be keeping them from making the decision to become future officers of the Serbian Armed Forces.

Boys and girls who come to Banjica on Saturday, on their own or accompanied by parents, will be hosted by the Military Academy’s officers, professors and cadets, who will present to them the life and work in that institution. Guests will have the opportunity to visit the classrooms, sports centre, sports fields, cadet rooms and residence halls and thus get acquainted with educational and extracurricular activities, and recreational facilities that will be available to them if they choose to become one of the 100 cadets in the next class.  In addition to information on the selection process and entrance exams, members of the Military Academy will also be available for questions regarding professional military service and a career that awaits those who successfully complete their studies and become officers of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The Ministry of Defence and the Military Academy invite all interested secondary school students to visit the Military Academy (33 Veljka Lukića Kurjaka Street, Belgrade) on February 19, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Candidates can find details about competitions for admission into military schools on the Ministry of Defence website, at the following link:

Information about the "Open Doors" campaign can also be obtained from the Military Academy by phone: 011 / 3603-344 and 011 / 3603-341, or via e-mail: