Military police officers undergo close protection training
The Army military police battalions conduct regular training in carrying out collective tasks that these units are intended for.
In order to maintain and enhance their operational capabilities, military police units undergo intensive training throughout the year, and in this period the focus is on close protection training.
During the scenario-based training, military police officers practice tactics, techniques and procedures used during an attack of terrorist groups on a convoy of vehicles, and their ability to respond effectively to a given threat and successfully evacuate protected persons to a safe location is assessed. In addition to learning the principles and tactics of close protection, special attention is paid to teamwork and synchronized action by all unit members, since the successful execution of these demanding tasks depends on it.
Military police units are responsible for carrying out a wide range of military police and general security tasks in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, within their territorial jurisdiction. Military police personnel undergo regular training, which is diverse and demanding and is conducted in all conditions, thus maintaining physical fitness and mental stability, as well as the ability to successfully resolve the most difficult situations.