Youngest officers serving in 126th ASEWG Brigade undergo training
The youngest officers serving in the 126th Air Surveillance, Early Warning and Guidance (ASEWG) Brigade are undergoing training in the use of radar-computer systems.
The training is designed for air surveillance and early warning officers and the technical service officers, who graduated from the Military Academy and were assigned to duties as commanders of radar sections and platoons in this Air Force and Air Defence unit.
During the training, young officers broaden the knowledge they acquired at the Military Academy on the collection and transmission of radar surveillance data and modern concepts of organization, use and control of airspace, and have practical lessons in the application of processed technical solutions on radar-computer and automation systems.
This is regular training that all young officers undergo after being assigned to the unit in order to reach a high level of competence for operating key devices and systems and perform specific tasks assigned to the unit.
The Air Surveillance, Early Warning and Guidance Brigade’s responsibilities are continuous airspace surveillance and control, guidance of combat aviation for fighter purposes, provision of navigation assistance to aircraft in emergencies and directing air defence artillery and missile units.