UNDP donates equipment for project promoting gender equality
An agreement for the donation of equipment made by the UNDP in Serbia was signed today at the Human Resources Sector, Ministry of Defence.
The donation consisting of computer equipment is worth a total of 495,594.00 dinars, and will be used for the project entitled "Strengthening of Regional Cooperation on Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans (II phase)", which the Ministry of Defence is carrying out with the UNDP/SEESAC Office.
On behalf of the Ministry of Defence, the agreement was signed by Colonel Snežana Vasić, PhD, Adviser to the Minister of Defence on the development of the National Action Plan for the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
The signing of the agreement was attended by the Assistant Minister for Human Resources Katarina Tomašević, Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić and representatives of the Directorate for European Integration and Project Management, Defence Policy Sector and the UNDP/SEESAC Belgrade Office.