Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting of Minister Stefanović with Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples Admiral Burke

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD met Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, Admiral Robert Burke who is paying an official visit to Serbia.

Minister Stefanović expressed his satisfaction with hitherto cooperation with the Allied Joint Forces Command Naples, stating that the Republic of Serbia cooperates with all its partners in fully transparent way.

The minister underlined good cooperation between KFOR and Serbian Armed Forces, but he expressed concern about the security of Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija, due to unilateral moves by the provisional institutions of Priština. He reminded that, in accordance with UN SC Resolution 1244 and Military Technical Agreement, KFOR, whose operation is within the purview of the Commander of Allied Joint Forces Command in Naples, is a key guarantor of security in Kosovo and Metohija, whose responsibilities cannot be transferred.

- We expect that KFOR, in line with its assigned mandate, will continue its status neutral mission, and operate pre-emptively and ensure the safety and stability for all citizens of Kosovo and Metohija and continue intensively cooperating with the Serbian Armed Forces – the minister stressed.

Admiral Burke pointed out that NATO highly appreciates its partnership with Serbia as well as the achieved level of communication between the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR. He expressed the readiness for the continuation of joint work on the security and stability in the region and he emphasised that Serbia sets the dynamic, scope, intensity and focus of the cooperation with NATO.

Minister Stefanović stated that Serbia actively participates in the activities under the auspices of the NATO Partnership for Peace Programme, being its part for 15 years now, and that it is very satisfied with the achieved results.

- I believe that we are a reliable partner within the Programme, which is dedicated to common goals of preserving collective security and enhancement of national defence capacities. It is an optimum framework for our cooperation with NATO, since, as a militarily neutral country, we do not aspire towards the membership of the Alliance, or any other military alliance – Stefanović said.

This afternoon, the minister and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović attended the ceremony of the handover of office of Head of NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade between Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale and Brigadier General Antonelo Zaniti. The ceremony was also attended by Commander of Allied Joint Forces Command Naples Admiral Burke.  

Minister Stefanović expressed gratitude to Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale for his engagement and understanding of the sensitivity of the duty that he had performed in Belgrade, which had great significance in terms of building confidence in our relations, which, as he stated, was not an easy task considering the history of our relations.

Wishing success to General Zaniti on his new duty, he pointed out that he was confident that the new Head of Military Liaison Office understands as well the sensitivity of the relations between the Republic of Serbia and NATO, and he called upon him to resolve all issues of common interest in the swiftest manner possible with mutual respect, open and sincere dialogue because, as he stated, it was the only way to build a secure future in these parts.

Addressing the present at the ceremony, Admiral Burke repeated that Serbia is an important partner.

- Office handover ceremonies are part of a long military tradition whose goal is to symbolise continuity, and mutual dedication to some purpose greater than us. They give us an opportunity to think and reflect on what it is that we gain when we work together towards a common goal – Burke stated.

The outgoing Head of NATO Military Liaison Office Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale underlined that the second in a row visit from Admiral Burke tо Serbia pointed to the importance that had always been attached to this country and he stressed that he would always carry Serbia in his heart.

- NATO sees Serbia as an appreciated and respected partner that plays a key role in maintaining peace and stability in the region, which was clearly and loudly confirmed at recently held summit in Brussels this year. A lot has been done since Serbia joined the Partnership for Peace Programme, and all of it has been done fully observing the proclaimed policy of military neutrality of Serbia, and in accordance with the founding principle of our partnerships – General Vitale stated, wishing Serbia the future of peace, stability and prosperity, with successful partnership with NATO, and in the framework of European family, where, according to his evaluation, Serbia undoubtedly belongs.

Following the ceremonial takeover of office Brigadier General Antonelo Zaniti stated than NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade plays a key role in the enhancement of cooperation and dialogue between NATO and the Republic of Serbia, a beautiful country, as he stated, with rich history and culture.

- I believe that the efforts of the Office to support the development of our cooperation in military, civilian, scientific and diplomatic domains will be beneficial for the strengthening of the process of the stabilisation of the region – General Zaniti underscored.