Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Demonstration of capabilities of part of AF and AD helicopter units and 63rd Parachute Brigade

The President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, and the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, have attended the demonstration of capabilities of part of the Air Force and Air Defence helicopter units and the 63rd Parachute Brigade at the “Sergeant-Pilot Mihajlo Petrović“ military airport in Niš.
President Vučić had the opportunity to see the competence of SAF members in providing aerial fire support to special forces, tactical helicopter landing and evacuation airlift.
The 63rd Parachute Brigade paratroopers ended the demonstration of capabilities by performing a demo jump with the flags of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Armed Forces, followed by a fly-past. The event was also attended by the Minister of Finance Siniša Mali.