Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Discussion forum on Introduction of Compulsory Military Service held at Faculty of Security Studies

A forum on the “Introduction of Compulsory Military Service" took place today at the Faculty of Security Studies. Katarina Tomašević, Assistant Minister of Defence for Human Resources, spoke at the forum.  Colonel Dragan Kotarlić, Head of the Defence Obligations Department, also spoke to the students attending this prestigious Belgrade University college about the current topic, while Colonel Saša Petrović, Head of the Military, Labour and Material Obligations Department, presented the experiences of foreign armed forces in this important field.

In her opening remarks, Assistant Minister Katarina Tomašević pointed out that this is a very important topic, which the Ministry of Defence is seriously dealing with in anticipation of the government’s decision, but that it is very important to hear different opinions, including the students’ views about compulsory military service.
Considering that the voluntary military service model is currently in force "until decided otherwise", and that "the state takes constant care of the country's defence and military recruitment", the Assistant Minister has referred to a series of measures aimed at promoting the current voluntary military service.  According to her, these important novelties have greatly improved the model, but also the entire admission procedure, which is now faster and simpler. A single candidate selection process has been introduced, and the salaries have been significantly increased as of this month, so, for example, a soldier performing voluntary military service will be paid 34,766 dinars per month as of December, instead of 20,969.
- We have considerably improved the candidate application process and adapted it to young people, who can now apply at 1,500 Post Office branches throughout Serbia and vie e-government, in addition to the competent MoD Centres – said the Assistant Minister, expressing optimism about the effects of new measures.   

After referring to 11 years of voluntary military service, Head of the Defence Obligations Department, Colonel Dragan Kotarlić, presented to the audience the considerations that the defence system has taken into account while deciding on the reintroduction of military service, and showed them a Gantt chart of activities, prepared by the Ministry of Defence, with the aim of creating optimal conditions for the implementation of such a decision.

- It includes key elements such as normative, organizational and personnel requirements, provision of equipment, infrastructure improvements, logistical support, costs, and other elements - said Colonel Kotarlić and added that the experience of foreign armed forces was used to make the Gantt chart, in addition to our own, but that the concept also includes the ideas put forward by the competent MoD and SAF staff.
- A working group has been formed in the Ministry to create conditions for the reintroduction of compulsory military service, which regularly sits and sends monthly progress reports to the Minister of Defence, which is one of the most difficult tasks this and next year.

According to Colonel Kotarlić, the Ministry of Defence is preparing as if the state leadership will make a decision to reintroduce compulsory military service, and the most important considerations are the duration of military service, the number of enlistment periods and the size of the contingent, as well as the barracks’ infrastructure improvements, conscientious objection and the dilemma of whether future recruits should be sent to training centres first or straight to the units.

The host of the gathering, Head of Department of Defence and Strategic Studies at the Faculty of Security Studies, Prof. Zoran Jeftić, PhD, closed the discussion forum by expressing satisfaction with the cooperation established between the Faculty and the Ministry of Defence, but also with the sense of optimism regarding the effects of measures to improve the conditions for voluntary military service, which he called a "revolutionary step" whose effects will be felt as soon as the new military volunteers enlist.