Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović attends Tank Biathlon finals

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended today the "Tank Biathlon" finals in Alabino near Moscow, where he talked to the Serbian military team participating in this competition. Stefanović commended the readiness, training, dedication and patriotism of the members of our armed forces, who, regardless of the fierce competition, reached the semi-finals, showing that they were ready to match the teams from the strongest militaries in the world.

The Minister of Defence, who is visiting Moscow at the invitation of Russia’s Defence Minister, Army General Sergei Shoigu, said that we are proud of our tankers who fought bravely.

- Our tankers achieved a really good result and I am glad that they showed great dedication from the very beginning. Even in unfavourable weather conditions, in the mud and rain, they achieved a good result and fought for their country," said Minister Stefanović.
He expressed satisfaction that, in addition to winning the “Guardian of Order” contest, which we hosted for the first time this year in Kraljevo, our country achieved a good overall result at the International Army Games.
- This shows the competence of our military, its efficiency and good training. Of course, we expect to place even higher next year. I am glad our soldiers have shown such motivation and optimism, but also excellent training. I congratulate once again all members of our armed forces who participated in the preparations, as well as our tankers who competed in the "Military Rally" and "Guardian of Order" contests, all those who represented our country with dignity," said the Minister, adding that Serbia is proud of all of them.

On this occasion, Minister Stefanović also talked to Army General Valery Gerasimov, the Chief of Russia's General Staff, about continuing defence cooperation between our two countries.

The two officials talked about the completion of ongoing projects and further development of cooperation, and the Minister also pointed out the two militaries’ joint contribution to the fight against Covid-19. Stefanović and Gerasimov praised this year's organization of the International Army Games, whose "Guardian of Order" discipline was held in Serbia for the first time.
  Minister Stefanović will attend today the closing ceremony of the International Army Games, the competition where the Serbian military teams achieved notable results.

Let us remind you, this year's largest military competition in the world was held from August 23 to September 4 in Russia and 10 co-organizing countries, including Serbia for the first time. Teams from 42 countries participated in the prestigious competition, competing in 34 disciplines.