Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: I invite young people to opt for military pilot career

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, visited the 204th Air Brigade units at the "Colonel-pilot Milenko Pavlović" airport in Batajnica where the final year cadets and candidates for the new class at the Military Academy are doing their flight training.
  - There is no nobler calling than that of a military pilot, it is a pleasure to see these young people who have decided to be the guardians of our sky - Minister Stefanović pointed out.

During today's visit, he said, he had the opportunity to talk to flight instructors and commanding officers, as well as cadet candidates and cadets who are completing their training.

- They are flying our "Utva" and "Galeb" planes and our Mi-17 helicopters, some of them are preparing to become the youngest officers of the Serbian Armed Forces as early as September, and some of them will join them in this honourable profession in a couple of years - Minister Stefanović emphasized.

He had the opportunity, he said, to see a high level of competence, as well as the commanding officers’ commitment to make these young people real pilots.

- Being a military pilot is like nothing else. Military pilots must know everything about each of these types of aircraft, they must be ready to perform tasks in all types of weather and always be ready to defend the security and independence of Serbia from any challenge. And that is what characterizes these people and members of the 204th Air Brigade, as well as the Military Academy personnel and the cadets themselves - their determination to be there for Serbia at any cost, to stand with their people and their country - Minister Stefanović said.

The Minister of Defence said he was pleased to see that the training is improving thanks to the better air force and air defence equipment, which ensures more flight hours for cadets.
  - I will insist on a larger number of planes for cadet training, so that in the next period we can train larger classes and have more flight hours and so that these people are ready straight away for the most modern aircraft that our country buys - Minister Stefanović pointed out.

According to him, our country is able to equip its Armed Forces more comprehensively today, thanks to a better economy.

-  I want to invite young people to think about potential career as a pilot with the Serbian Armed Forces. They will also have decent salaries and the opportunity to serve their homeland, and what is also important, they will have the opportunity to pilot the most modern types of aircraft and helicopters - Minister Stefanović concluded.

After being briefed on the training, Minister Stefanović talked to candidates and cadets, future pilots, and flight instructors about their experience and impressions of the training. The Minister of Defence wished the future pilots a lot of luck and success in their future career.

The Minister was accompanied on the visit by the Rector of the Defence University, Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović, PhD, Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Air Defence Command, Brigadier General Aleksandar Bjelić and Commander of the 204th Air Brigade, Brigadier General Brane Krnjajić.