Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: We will strengthen the River Flotilla with new investment

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, visited members of the River Flotilla at the "Ušće" Military Complex and the "Lido" campground, where he attended an operational capabilities demonstration given by the 2nd River Detachment and the 1st Pontonier Battalion. Minister Stefanović said he was satisfied with our seamen’s skills and their readiness to carry out all assigned tasks.
  - In a few days we will be marking the River Flotilla Day and I am glad I’ve had the opportunity today to see all the skills of our seamen, the people working in this segment of the Army, and what the River Flotilla offers to the citizens, and of course its readiness to carry out all the tasks it is entrusted with by the General Staff and our country. I’m pleased to see great commitment. The equipment they use is not exactly state-of-the-art, but it is well-maintained and these people really do their job more than professionally, they perceive this as their life calling - Minister Stefanović said.

According to him, their work is proof of how much they love their profession and their country.

- They make sure that our ships are ready to leave the port at any moment, to provide support to civilians as part of the third mission of the Serbian Armed Forces, but also to be in a state of full combat readiness in order to protect our country if needed - the Minister of Defence emphasized after visiting the River Flotilla’s BPN-30 "Kozara" ship and watching a demonstration of putting out fire on board a ship and providing assistance to a vessel on fire.

During the visit to the "Lido" campground, Minister Stefanović talked to members of the Army tasked with securing the pontoon bridge between the popular Belgrade beach and the municipality of Zemun.
  - I’ve had the opportunity to see what our Pontonier Battalion experts are doing, right here on Lido, where they have linked Zemun and Lido and helped our people enjoy the summer on the river. They are making sure that no one falls into the water here; they are well-trained and ready to come to the rescue at any moment. These people are exceptional professionals and I want to thank them for doing their job regardless of whether it is hot or cold outside, whether it is summer or winter. These people are on the river in difficult conditions and they make sure that our country is safe - Minister Stefanović said.
Congratulating them on the upcoming River Flotilla Day, the Minister of Defence announced further strengthening of the River Flotilla.
- I expect that in the coming period we will have the opportunity to strengthen our River Flotilla with new investment, strengthen its facilities and vessels, and by constantly increasing the number of soldiers and their living standards, help these people do their job more easily - Minister Stefanović emphasized.
  On today's visit to the River Flotilla units, the Minister of Defence was accompanied by State Secretary Branko Živanović, Army Command Chief of Staff Brigadier General Željko Tramošljika, Head of the Training and Doctrine Department (J-7) Brigadier General Petar Latković and the River Flotilla Commander Captain Ljubiša Marković.