Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović at the celebration marking Drvar Municipality Day

Tonight, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended an event marking the Drvar Municipality Day and the 80th anniversary of the anti-fascism uprising started by the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina in that city.
  Minister Stefanović pointed out that it was a great honour for him to be in Drvar for such an important anniversary, because there were not many cities and nations in the world with such a tradition and history.

– There are not many cities or nations in the world with such a tradition and history. The Drvar Municipality Day, which marks the beginning of the fight against fascism, is a big and important date because the residents of this area, mostly Serbs, stood up to fight, they rose to show that they wanted freedom and that they were ready to even give their lives in defence of their hearths and homes. And they managed to do it. Today, we can say that we are consistent in our anti-fascism ideology and that we are proud of our grandparents and our ancestors who fought - Minister Stefanović pointed out.

According to him, we leave it to those who were not on the bright side of anti-fascism to try to rewrite history.
  - When President Vučić comes to Drvar to help, to invest in a better life here, it is these people who make sarcastic comments about hearths and homes and investment. But we tell them that the Serbian people are not ashamed of their history. We were and remain anti-fascists, unlike some others, and that is why we must not forget our hearths and homes. Even after the latest wars, the Serbs returned to Drvar to their centuries-old hearths and homes, from which they had been expelled. Not to someone else's but to their own - the Minister of Defence said.
A different fight is being waged today, Stefanović said, a fight for economy, for new jobs, for larger investment, and Serbia does not forget its people and no one can forbid it from investing in the places where the Serbian people live.

– Today, Serbia is an economically stronger country. Thanks to the reforms implemented by President Vučić, Serbia has more money today and is helping our people to live better everywhere. That is why we have invested around two million euros in Drvar so far, through various projects. We want to continue this investment and to increase your income, so that you and your children can have a better life. We are ready to work and we are ready to participate in creating a better future. That is President Vučić’s message. That is the reason why he has been here so many times and why he insists that we all get involved. Numerous Serbian ministers have come to this city to show that the care for Drvar and its inhabitants is constant - Minister Stefanović said, addressing the citizens of Drvar.

Serbia wants peace and stability, the Minister added.

– We want people to see that their children have a future here, we want you to be satisfied with your life here, we want your life to get better every day, and I believe that, with the help of Serbia, with the help of Srpska, Drvar can make that happen. We want to help more people return to Drvar and bring Drvar to its former glory - Minister Stefanović concluded.
  On behalf of the citizens, the Mayor of Drvar, Dušica Runić, handed over the coat of arms of the municipality of Drvar to Minister Stefanović.

Addressing the audience, the Mayor of Drvar said that on July 27, 1941, the citizens of Drvar had shown immense courage and 80 years later, their struggle for survival in this city continued, although the past had left a deep scar on each individual and on the face of Drvar.

– I want to emphasize that Drvar has a huge support from the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska, President Aleksandar Vučić and the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik. Thanks to them, the citizens of Drvar can hope for a brighter and better future. By making great efforts, we strive to make Drvar an important tourist and cultural centre, a city with good and hospitable people; we want to preserve the beautiful nature that our citizens and guests can enjoy. I can proudly say that Drvar is an open city that embraces everyone who wants to live, create and invest in it. This is an area known for its hardworking and honest people - said Mayor Runić and thanked everyone who contributed to making Drvar a better place.
  A retrospective film dedicated to projects implemented by the municipality of Drvar over the past year was shown at the ceremony, and plaques and certificates of appreciation from the municipality of Drvar were awarded to deserving organizations and individuals. The ethnic musical ensemble "Memories" performed and Goran Željković recited poems at the event.

During his visit to Drvar, Minister Stefanović also visited the Memorial to the Fallen Soldiers in the 1992-1995 War.