Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Stefanović: Today, Serbia is a serious country that takes care of its armed forces

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended today the oath taking ceremony for the June 2021 generation of soldiers performing voluntary military service. The ceremony was held in the "Field Marshal Živojin Mišić” barracks in Valjevo. According to the Minister, the joint exercise that is being conducted in Pešter on 27 June, will show what it means to have well-equipped and well-trained armed forces, and that Serbia is a serious country today, which takes care of its armed forces.
  Today, 220 young men and 40 girls from three Serbian Armed Forces training centres took an oath of allegiance to their homeland in the Valjevo barracks.

Congratulating them on taking the oath, Minister Stefanović said he was satisfied with their strength and determination and pointed out that it was his honour to attend the youngest soldiers’ oath taking ceremony.

– This honourable act is a source of pride for you, your families, your loved ones, but also for the Ministry of Defence, the Armed Forces and the entire nation. Honour is the greatest and highest moral value of soldiers. They keep it in their hearts, and it encourages them to fulfil their oath. I am convinced that you will carry the words spoken today in your hearts and remember them well. Today you are in the barracks named after our famous Field Marshal Živojin Mišić. His famous saying "Life is an eternal struggle - he who dares succeeds, and he who does not know fear moves ahead", is the best description of our people in a nutshell - Minister Stefanović said.

He pointed out that our homeland was a country of proud and brave people, glorious traditions, glorious history and great military leaders.
  - Our ancestors fought for survival and defended their homes, roots, faith and freedom countless times. Many battles and wars were fought in our area, enormous sacrifice was made, many heroes were born here and all that speaks volumes about our people, their understanding of freedom, dignity and honour - the people who fought for their only homeland, Serbia, for centuries - the Minister said.

According to him, we owe it to our ancestors and generations to come to build and preserve a strong and successful Serbia.

– Our fight is somewhat different today. Today, we fight for development, for an independent and economically strong country capable of making decisions exclusively in the interest of its own people. To make that happen, we are firmly committed to military neutrality, which means that we need extremely strong armed forces, well-equipped, armed, trained, in line with the times we live in. The armed forces are ready to respond to all modern security challenges - Stefanović said.

The Minister noted that today Serbia was considered the greatest military power among former Yugoslav republics and that it ranked high in the world thanks to our government’s decision to invest in the armed forces.
  – But that must not lull us to sleep. That does not mean we should not work anymore, it does not mean we should not fight anymore and it does not mean we should not invest anymore. Because we will! - the Minister said.

He announced that one of the largest military exercises would be held on 27 June in Pešter, as ordered by President Aleksandar Vučić. As he explained, tactical exercises are underway throughout the country, as an introduction to a joint exercise that will be conducted in Pešter, with members of the Army, Air Force and special units participating.

- In this exercise, you will have the opportunity to see really well-equipped and well-trained armed forces, which are, fortunately, nothing like ten years ago when no investment was made in the armed forces. Today, our armed forces can boast of modern anti-aircraft systems and MiG-29s, not two or three, but 14 aircraft, and with upgraded "Eagles" and "Seagulls", new rifles, new artillery, upgraded tanks and various other means. Today, we are a serious country that takes care of its armed forces, because only strong armed forces are the guarantor of a secure and free Serbia - Stefanović said.
  As he pointed out, the most important resource of our armed forces are still its people.

- They are crucial to our armed forces’ strength. That is why I call on you to join us when you complete your military service, to join the ranks of the Serbian Armed Forces and to be a part of it - said Stefanović, addressing the young soldiers who took the oath.

- Thank you once again for showing that you dare, that you are capable and that you love your Serbia. You will gain both military and life experience here. As someone who has completed his military service, I can tell you that I have the most beautiful memories from that period. I invite you to make friends, to build team spirit and discipline, to respect your commanding officers, and I ask them to respect you and teach you new skills and, of course, to build a strong Serbia together with us - Stefanović said.