Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Historic day! First UK Secretary of State for Defence to visit Serbia

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD,  greeted the UK Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace,  who came to Serbia on a two-day visit, at the "Colonel pilot Milenko Pavlović" Military Airport in Batajnica.
  Minister Stefanović welcomed his counterpart and expressed satisfaction at the Defence Secretary’s first official visit to the Republic of Serbia.
Later today, Defence Secretary Wallace will meet with the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, followed by official talks between the delegations representing the two Ministries of Defence.
  Tomorrow morning, Stefanović and Wallace will lay wreaths at the Monument and Memorial Ossuary to the Defenders of Belgrade 1914-1918 and at the Commonwealth War Cemetery. They will also attend the Platinum Wolf 2021 Exercise Distinguished Visitors’ Day at the "South" base near Bujanovac.