Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović meets with Košare fighters

On the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the Battle of Košare, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, received a delegation representing members of heroic units that took part in the battle of Košare and defended the country's border in 1999 at the legendary border outpost.
  – The superhuman fight of our soldiers with a vastly superior opponent, which included regular Albanian Armed Forces and terrorists, lasted for more than two months, with all the logistic support they had. The first moments were especially difficult, when 115 frontier sentries, five officers and one military police platoon that had come to their aid held back a vastly superior enemy consisting of over two brigades - Minister Stefanović said.

He emphasized that those people, mostly soldiers doing their military service, had fought heroically and showed how much they loved Serbia and its freedom.

- These people showed that they were worthy of our history, that they were worthy descendants of our ancestors who had also fought for Serbia, always against a superior opponent, always in very difficult circumstances. Although I have heard, read and watched a lot about this battle, I can tell you that it was a special honour and a completely different feeling for me to talk to these heroes who are with me today. I got a completely different impression talking to them about how they saw it, how they experienced it, how they motivated the soldiers who fought under their command and how they showed heroism and chivalry themselves - Stefanović said.
He thanked the officers and NCOs he met today and all the other soldiers who had fought for more than two months and showed how much they loved Serbia by fighting for their comrades and for their Serbia.
- I want to always remember all those people who gave the most, who gave their lives, who died in that battle. Those people did not retreat at any moment; they really went there to fight heroically, chivalrously, knowing what awaited them there. They fought without giving in for a single moment, without giving up an inch of our country. We must always remember the heroes who are still active in our units today and those who are retired, all those people living in Serbia who took part in this battle - the Minister of Defence said and underlined that they deserved our gratitude.

Stefanović emphasized that we must always show respect for what they had done, for their sacrifice and for their families. That is why the Ministry of Defence and our country, he added, will continue to speak loudly about their exploits, proudly remembering the days when they fought for Serbia.
- These are examples of heroism that should inspire future generations, and we hope that many young people will learn from these examples how to love Serbia, and we will fight to always live in peace - Minister Stefanović said, once again expressing his gratitude to all the fighters for the freedom of our country.
The delegation representing the Košare fighters included Lieutenant Colonel Saša Ristić, the then member of the 125th Motorized Brigade, Captain Siniša Savić from the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, Sergeant Major First Class Saša Radojević, who was a member of the 53rd Border Battalion in 1999, Sergeant Major Miloš Bakić from the 63rd Parachute Brigade and Sergeant Major Slađan Stefanoviski from the 5th Military Police Battalion.