Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces personnel participate in “Spasovdan” religious procession

Military Academy cadets, Serbian Armed Forces guardsmen and military chaplains participated today in the religious procession to celebrate Belgrade’s Patron Saint’s Day - the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ - Spasovdan.
  Military Academy cadets walked through capital’s principal streets behind the Holy Cross at the head of the procession, carrying the icon of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, and members of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard accompanied Serbian Patriarch Porfirije and the reliquary containing holy relics. Military chaplains from the Archdiocese of Belgrade and Karlovac carried the reliquary containing the relics of the Holy Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarević, while the relics of St. Petka were carried by the clergy.

The liturgy, led by His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch, began with participants gathering in front of the Church of the Ascension, and continued down Kneza Miloša and Kralja Milana streets, across Slavija Square and Oslobodjenje Boulevard to the Church of St. Sava in Vračar, where a prayer service was held for Belgrade and its residents.
  Numerous citizens joined the procession which moved along a different route for the first time this year. The sound of bells ringing from Belgrade’s churches marked the beginning of the procession.

The host of this year's celebration of Belgrade’s Patron Saint’s Day is the Mayor of Belgrade, Prof. Zoran Radojičić, and the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served in Belgrade’s Church of the Ascension on this occasion.