Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Reception of MiG-29s from Belarus

Four MiG-29 aircraft from the Republic of Belarus were received today in a ceremony held at the "Colonel-pilot Milenko Pavlović" military airport in Batajnica. The aircraft were delivered in line with an agreement on military-technical cooperation.
  The Serbian Armed Forces are receiving the aircraft after they have been overhauled and upgraded at the Aviation Institute in the city of Baranovichi, Belarus, and putting them into operational use will significantly improve the capabilities of the Air Force and Air Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in general.
The ceremony was attended by Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković, Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, First Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian State Military Industrial Committee, Major General Igor Mikhailovich Demidenko and the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to Serbia, Valery Brilev.
  The guests were informed about the overhaul and upgrading of the aircraft in the "Baranovichi" Institute and the reception process, and today's ceremony was an opportunity to thank all the people who participated in carrying out the agreed tasks for the expertise, professionalism and responsibility they demonstrated.