Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović on military service: key thing is learning military skills

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, said today that the reintroduction of compulsory military service was a complex issue and that a lot had been done, from various analyses to a wide public debate, and that he personally believed that the decision should be reached by October at the latest.
Responding to journalists' questions about military service, during today’s handover ceremony of armoured combat vehicles donated by the Russian Federation in Niš, Minister Stefanović reiterated that his personal position was to fully support the reintroduction of regular military service that had been suspended ten years ago.
– It is a complex issue with lots of factors to be considered, from what our training capacities are, the state of the barracks where training would be conducted, how much it would cost and what the armed forces need, to what our country has lost over the past ten years, and it has lost a lot - said Minister Stefanović, adding that there was, among other things, the issue of active reserve, because those who had never served in the army could not be members of reserve.

– A lot has already been done, such as numerous analyses, but we certainly wanted to include the general public in it. As you can see, this topic is very often discussed in public and it is commented on by state bodies and the non-governmental sector and various experts, but also the people who have an opinion on it make some kind of remarks or suggestions on how they think it should be done - Minister Stefanović emphasized.
  According to him, the model of military service is one of the things that is still being considered.

– I will say it once again, so that there would be no misunderstanding. Military service will not only mean cleaning the barracks. Of course, soldiers will maintain hygiene, but the key thing about joining the army will be to learn military skills - Stefanović pointed out.

According to him, the Serbian Armed Forces have been equipped with new means recently, and people who served in the army more than a decade ago do not know how to use them.
– We have just received new tanks, new armoured personnel carriers and there are many more new things, but also new challenges in the modern world. We want our armed forces to be fully equipped and trained, but we also want our new recruits to acquire new knowledge and skills - the Minister emphasized.

According to him, the knowledge and skills that young people master in the army will certainly help them later in life and they will certainly not do anything meaningless during their military service, nor will that time be wasted.
  – They will come to learn military skills and help their country and their armed forces by using those skills. In short, these are the key things we are considering with regard to this issue. I have already stated my personal position several times, which of course does not mean that any decision has yet been made - said Stefanović. He added that the preparations were certainly in progress, in case the decision was reached.
– Regardless of that, my goal is to do everything in my power to make the Serbian Armed Forces stronger, to better equip the barracks and to procure such equipment that will make our armed forces the best in this part of Europe - said Minister Stefanović, noting that he would do everything, as well as the MOD personnel, to fully perform the tasks assigned to them by President Aleksandar Vučić.

He personally believes that the decision on the reintroduction of regular military service should be made by October at the latest.

– In my opinion, we should reach that decision by autumn, i.e. by September or October at the latest, because of the dynamics and the process of passing certain laws by the National Assembly, but also because of the necessary preparations, from budgeting this type of military service in Serbia to everything else that soldiers will need when they join our units in order to spend their military service in a good way, learn something and help their country at the same time - concluded Minister Stefanović.