Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Institutions involved in country’s defence preparations planning receive certificates of appreciation

On the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day, Assistant Minister for Human Resources Katarina Tomašević presented today the MoD’s certificates of appreciation to institutions and companies involved in planning the preparations for the defence of the Republic of Serbia.
  Thanking them, Katarina Tomašević pointed out that the Ministry of Defence highly appreciated the fact that, in addition to their regular activities, they also performed additional tasks important for the country's defence.

– I hope we will continue close cooperation in the future and set an example to other entities obliged to develop war plans - said the Assistant Minister of Defence, expressing hope that other defence planning entities would meet their obligations, in terms of standards and quality, as the award-winning institutions had.
  According to Colonel Dragan Kotarlić, Head of the Defence Obligations Department, based on the analysis of the work of the defence planning entities and the improvement of defence preparations in the Republic of Serbia, it was decided to present certificates of appreciation to the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, PE “Post of Serbia” and PE “Shelters”.