Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Memorial service for Ognjen Trajković, member of 63rd Parachute Brigade

A memorial service was held today at the "Sergeant Pilot Mihajlo Petrović" military airport in Niš in memory and honour of the deceased Corporal Ognjen Trajković, a member of the 63rd Parachute Brigade.

The memorial service was attended by members of the deceased paratrooper’s family, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, Bishop Arsenije of Niš, Bishop Jovan of Pakrac-Slavonia, members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade, colleagues and friends.
Commander of the 63rd Parachute brigade, Colonel Nenad Zonić, addressed the gathering saying that their paratrooper fraternity had gathered today under a canopy of grief for their deceased brother Ognjen.

- After graduating from high school, Ognjen Trajković, born in Vranje, decided to separate from his family, swear an oath to his homeland and do his voluntary military service in our elite unit. His enthusiasm, perseverance and passionate love of parachuting, enabled him to fulfil all his tasks, successfully complete basic parachute training and become a professional member of our unit. He did not stop there, but aspired to further personal development, being incredibly dedicated and having already developed a sense of belonging to the unit that only we are familiar with - Colonel Zonić emphasized.

According to him, that constant fight for the highest ideals of freedom, patriotism and honour fascinated young Ognjen, who became one of the most glorious and courageous members of the unit.

- He had a pure soul and with his kindness he filled the heroic 63rd Parachute Brigade’s 3rd Parachute Company with peace and well-being. Like his ancestors, he honourably fulfilled tasks. His efforts earned him his commanding officers and colleagues’ trust - Colonel Zonić emphasized.
  According to him, military paratroopers, before whom many enemy armies have trembled and retreated, start developing their courage and skills as soon as they join that unit, and they come to terms with the fact that the risk of premature death is an integral part of their daily life and work in the unit, given that they perform complex and high-risk tasks.
- Unfortunately, his jump cut short his earthly glory and sent him to heaven. Ognjen walks through the kingdom of God now, with holy soldiers and warriors in the infinite line of righteous soldiers. Ognjen, rest in peace, you will remain forever in the hearts of all members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade! - said Colonel Zonić at the end of his address.

Captain First class Miljan Radojević, Commander of the 3rd Parachute Company, also addressed the gathering, saying that Ognjen had considered all members of the unit as his brothers, and vice versa.
- That big-hearted boy brought serenity and positive energy to the 3rd Parachute Company with his smile – Captain First Class Radojević emphasized, adding that Ognjen had performed numerous tasks flawlessly, and being a good man was the most important of them.
Corporal Ognjen Trajković, who lost his life on Wednesday, 21 April, around 4.30 p.m., while performing a parachute jump served as a paratrooper with the 3rd Parachute Company, 63rd Parachute Brigade. He was born on 20 December 2000 in Vranje. He was not married. Corporal Ognjen Trajković’s funeral will take place today at 3 p.m. at Šapranačko Cemetery in Vranje.