Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Prime Minister presents decorations to members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces on 23 April – Serbian Armed Forces Day

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić presented presidential decorations to members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces today, on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day, at the ceremony held in the Palace of Serbia.
The ceremony was attended by the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, and the State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Branko Živanović.
Prime Minister Brnabić congratulated the decorated service members, emphasizing that it was her honour to present state decorations to members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces as part of the celebration of the most important military holiday – the Serbian Armed Forces Day on behalf of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić. The decorations were awarded on Sretenje - the Statehood Day and 23 April – the Serbian Armed Forces Day.

- The rule of law, economy, fast, efficient and transparent administration, health care, education, culture and, of course, the defence system are the prerequisites for a strong and stable country. Therefore, in parallel with everything we do to strengthen the economy and the rule of law, reform the administration, improve health, reform and improve the education system and more, our state invests a lot in improving the position of members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. You deserve that for all your hard and professional work and your response to all the challenges you are facing - the Prime Minister emphasized.
Because of all that, Prime Minister Brnabić thanked once again the members of the defence system on behalf of all citizens for everything they did for all of us, which was best seen in their fight against natural disasters and Covid 19 epidemic.

 - Over the past year, it has been proven once again how important it is to have strong and prepared armed forces that can help the civil services and all citizens of our country at any time, on any assignment, in the shortest time possible - said the Prime Minister.

According to Prime Minsiter Brnabić, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have made a huge contribution to the fight against Covid-19, as many times before in our history, working in difficult conditions and with many unknown factors, and guided by the fact that they must protect citizens at all costs by knowingly risking their own lives.

- Members of the Serbian Armed Forces were among the first to secure the borders, provide security to the population, and some of them gave their lives in this fight. Today's ceremony and decorations you have been awarded, which are important symbols of national identity, are proof that your deeds do not go unnoticed - Prime Minister Brnabić pointed out.

According to her, the best token of appreciation to the members of the defence system and the Serbian Armed Forces is a heavy and continuous investment in salaries, service members’ living conditions, equipment, weapons, training and everything else they need in order to do their job successfully, and their families know that their job is what society values ​​highly.
- That is why I am happy to see in every military exercise that our armed forces are getting stronger and readier. I am happy to see the families of members of the Serbian Armed Forces and other security services move into their new apartments in Vranje, Novi Sad, Kraljevo, Kragujevac, Belgrade, Sremska Mitrovica and Niš. I am happy to see President Vučić’s absolute commitment to making you satisfied and proud of being members of our country’s armed forces - Prime Minister Ana Brnabić emphasized.

She expressed her belief that the awards were just another incentive for service members to continue carrying out their duties dedicatedly and professionally, contributing to the affirmation of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces both at home and abroad.

- Thank you once again for everything you have done and are doing for our country. I congratulate you on the Serbian Armed Forces Day - said Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

Speaking on behalf of 167 awarded members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, Colonel Vladan Randjelović thanked for the awards, adding that this would be an incentive for everyone to achieve even better results in building and strengthening Serbia’s defence and security systems.

- I congratulate all members of the Serbian Armed Forces on the Serbian Armed Forces Day and I wish you and your families good health, happiness and even better results in the coming period - Colonel Randjelović emphasized.

By presidential decree dated April 15, 2021, Colonel Muharem Fazlić was awarded the Gold Medal of Merit for exceptional results in the field of defence and security of the Republic of Serbia, and 23 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces were awarded the Silver Medal of Merit.

Major Lazar Kalat was awarded the Gold Medal for Zealous Service by the same decree for exceptional results in performing tasks in the field of defence and security of the Republic of Serbia, and 53 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces were awarded the Silver Medal for Zealous Service.

By presidential decree dated February 12, 2021, Lieutenant Colonel Nikola Inđić was awarded the Gold Medal of Merit for exceptional results in the field of defence and security of the Republic of Serbia, and 34 more members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces were awarded the Silver Medal of Merit.
By the same decree, Lieutenant Colonel Zoran Vranješ was awarded the Gold Medal for Zealous Service, and 51 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces were awarded the Silver Medal for Zealous Service for exceptional results in performing tasks in the field of defence and security of the Republic of Serbia.

By presidential decree dated February 12, 2021, civilian employees Saša Bogićević and Nenad Crnogorac were awarded the Silver Medal for Courage "Miloš Obilić" for acts of extraordinary courage and heroism.