Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović lays wreaths at Monument to Unknown Hero to mark Serbian Armed Forces Day

Acting on behalf of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, laid a wreath today, with full military honours, at the Monument to the Unknown Hero on Mount Avala to mark the Serbian Armed Forces Day – 23 April.
Minister Stefanović laid the wreath in company with the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, and the Air Force and Air Defence Commander, Major General Duško Žarković. The minister wrote the following note in the memorial book:

“Persevering, proud and brave. That is exactly what our people are like. They survived, despite numerous ordeals they endured over the centuries, thanks to their indomitable spirit and strong will. Our soldier is the personification of the Serbian people.

Our immortal heroes, we pay tribute to you even today, because your sacrifice and heroic deeds serve as a perfect example to the Serbian Armed Forces' units and commands. You left them a free homeland. Inspired by your deeds, they still wear military uniforms with honour today and never give up the fight for a safer and better Serbia. You would be proud of them.

Eternal glory and thanks to our heroes!”
The Second Serbian Uprising, which was a historical turning point in the creation of a modern Serbian state and army, erupted on Palm Sunday, 23 April 1815, in Takovo.