Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces and Police conduct Joint Live Fire Exercise “Response 2021“ at “Orešac“ and “Pasuljanske livade“ training grounds

President Vučić: I am proud of our armed forces and police

14.00 - I am proud of the Serbian Armed Forces, I am proud of our Police, I am proud of Serbia's progress, of what we have done in the past few years and I am convinced that Serbia will have the strength, knowledge and wisdom to carry on with accelerated development and great prosperity, making all its citizens proud - said the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić in his address at the end of the "Response 2021" exercise.
- I am very proud of what we saw today in Orešac, not far from Bela Crkva and Vršac, Banat, and here at Pasuljanske livade. We saw the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior, our military and police work together - President Vučić emphasized after the end of the second part of the exercise at the military complex "Pasuljanske livade”, where some of the Army and Air Force and Air Defence units, as well as the Gendarmerie and the Ministry of the Interior’s Helicopter Unit are deployed.
According to President Vučić, the weather conditions were incomparably better in Banat than at Pasuljanske livade, but "we were all impressed with something new that we saw here in the area of Pasuljanske livade".
- And that is "Pantsir" firing. For those who don't know, it's five thousand rounds fired by guns alone, and I'm not talking about the missiles that "Pantsir" uses against aircraft, five thousand 30 millimetre rounds per minute – it can literally make a hill collapse. That is a huge reinforcement for the Serbian Armed Forces - President Vučić pointed out.
Today we could see, President Vučić added, how and at what distance the Mi-35 helicopters fire, and "gamma" helicopters also did a great job with their rockets.
- The Gendarmerie also showed excellent skills here, but also the crews that fired multiple rocket launchers, mortars, all armoured vehicles and tanks. They showed great skills and used live rounds - the President pointed out, adding that the participants in the exercise had done their job excellently and professionally.
President Vučić pointed out that these types of exercises showed that we needed to invest much more and he announced that we would.
  - Our armed forces must be even stronger, our police, too. Our service members must have better living conditions and that is why I am glad that Prime Minister Ana Brnabić handed over the keys to new apartments to 584 members of the security forces and their families the day before yesterday - President Vučić emphasized.
He believes that by modernizing, equipping and strengthening our military and police, we will be able to take preventive action and deter any aggressors.

- We will always act quickly, efficiently and in an organized manner against potential terrorist acts - said President Vučić.
President Vučić congratulated all members of the armed forces and police on the successfully conducted exercise.

- I would like to thank you all and say that we are always and in every way ready to protect and preserve Serbia - said President Vučić.
  More than 1,000 members of the Serbian Armed Forces, about 200 members of the Police and more than 140 combat weapons and systems participated in the second part of the "Response 2021" exercise that was conducted at "Pasuljanske livade".

According to the exercise scenario, the enemy armed forces the size of a mechanized brigade, carried out armed aggression against a part of Serbia’s territory through coordinated action.
Based on the gathered information on enemy dispositions, a BRDM-2MS armoured reconnaissance company set off on a mission and engaged the advancing enemy units. The recovery of the covering force was supported by 120 millimetre mortar fire.
The viewers had the opportunity to see the extraordinary fire effect of the "Pasars" artillery missile system, the "Pantsir S-1" battery and a brigade missile group of "Plamen S" multiple rocket launchers which engaged enemy positions.
  The next segment of the exercise showed the Gendarmerie’s action against the inserted terrorist group. This dynamic segment included a manoeuvre and decisive action carried out by "Lazar 3" combat vehicles combined with specialist teams that arrived at the zone of action on quads.
This was followed by successful firing of "Malyutka" missiles at the enemy’s "armoured vehicles".

In the next segment of the exercise, the M-84 tank platoon fired 125-millimeter guns at distances of 4,100 meters.

This was followed by the “gamma” helicopter flight. They successfully destroyed the targets at 2,300 metres with anti-tank missiles.

Next, a battalion fire group consisting of members of the Army and Gendarmerie fired 120-millimeter mortars.
The most dynamic part of the exercise began with the entry of Mi-35 helicopters into combat, which showed exceptional firepower by engaging targets on the ground with unguided missiles and 23-millimeter guns. This was followed by fire preparation for attack from "Plamen S" multiple rocket launchers and attacks of infantry company on "Hummers", mechanized and tank companies, with the support of Mi-35 helicopters and "Pantsir S-1".
Next, the Gendarmerie unit demonstrated setting up a blockade and the destruction of the remaining enemy group in a populated area, and the exercise was brought to an end with the demonstration of casualty evacuation from the area of operations by Mi-8 helicopter, with the support of the "gamma" helicopters.

The exercise at Pasuljanske livade showed great firepower and excellent cooperation of forces. With such decisive actions, the participants in the exercise have sent a message to the citizens that they are safe and secure with such an impenetrable bulwark against anyone who dares to threaten Serbia.
President Vučić arrives at “Pasuljanske livade“ training ground

12.25 - The President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, has arrived at the "Pasuljanske livade" training ground, where the second part of the Joint Live Fire Exercise "Response 2021" is being held.
  At “Pasuljanske livade” training ground, the Army, Air Force and Air Defence, Gendarmerie and the Ministry of the Interior’s Helicopter Unit will demonstrate a reinforced battle group’s defensive action shifting to counter-attack.
The participation of fighter and bomber aircraft, helicopters and anti-aircraft artillery-missile weapons is planned, depending on the weather conditions.
Army units will demonstrate the manoeuvres and firepower of modern combat systems, armoured combat vehicles, artillery and a wide range of infantry weapons.
SAF and police units will demonstrate joint action and firepower in resolving crisis situations at the Pasuljanske livade training ground.

Everything is ready for the beginning of the second part of the “Response 2021“ exercise at “Pasuljanske livade“ training ground

11.50 - The Serbian Armed Forces have brought some of their most modern weapons and combat systems, as well as armament developed by the domestic defence industry to fire positions at the "Pasuljanske livade" training ground.
  The anti-aircraft artillery-missile system "Pantsir S1", which is considered to be one of the world’s most modern air defence systems in its class, will show its exceptional precision and firepower. Its task is to destroy a group of enemy aircraft with 30 millimetre guns.
It is a system that ensures the destruction of a wide range of low-signature targets, with target speeds of up to 1,000 meters per second, including saturation attacks in conditions of active and passive interference at distances of up to 20 kilometres and altitudes of up to 15 kilometres.
  The tactical hybrid anti-aircraft artillery-missile system "Pasars", produced by the domestic defence industry, will also show its firepower. It is intended for the protection of ground force against reconnaissance and air attacks, and its auxiliary purpose is to engage ground targets. According to the exercise scenario, this modern weapon will engage low-flying targets with concentrated fire.  

The upgraded BRDM-2MS armoured reconnaissance vehicles will be used as part of covering force and as direct fire support to infantry units.

"Plamen S" self-propelled multiple rocket launchers and 122 millimetre self-propelled howitzers will provide fire support within tactical and operational fire teams. These are weapons that have been upgraded thanks to the expertise of our own engineers and whose efficiency has been significantly increased.

M-84 tanks are preparing to engage targets at medium and long distances with 125-millimeter guns, combined with a decisive manoeuvre to break the enemy defences.
First part of “Response 2021” exercise at “Orešac” training ground completed

11.35 - The first part of the Joint Live Fire Exercise "Response 2021" has been completed at the "Orešac" training ground. The goal of the complex and dynamic segment of the exercise was to show the 72nd Special Operations Brigade’s capability to carry out tactical and fire missions during the preparation and execution of an anti-terrorist operation entitled "Destruction of a terrorist group and release of hostages”, in cooperation with the Air Force and Air Defence, 63rd Parachute Brigade and the Ministry of the Interior’s Special Anti-Terrorist Unit.
More than 200 members of the Serbian Armed Forces and about 100 members of the police took part in the exercise. Eight aircraft, 22 combat vehicles, seven boats, two unmanned aerial vehicles, and other special units’ modern combat and non-combat equipment were used.

The exercise was conducted on land, air and water, in five segments - reconnaissance, setting up a blockade, attack on terrorist forces, release of hostages and evacuation.
In the first segment, the action of reconnaissance teams on land, air and water was shown, whose goal was to gather and submit intelligence on the exact location, disposition and activities of the terrorist group. For that purpose, the army and police special forces used drones, the most modern day and night thermal imaging cameras and laser rangefinders with the possibility of transmitting the image to the command post in real time. The viewers could see helicopter insertion of special teams on the water surface and their action, as well as the action of the reconnaissance patrol on "Hummer" vehicles.

The next segment presented combat operations and procedures for setting up a blockade against terrorist forces with "Miloš" and "Hummer" combat vehicles in order to prevent the getaway and to provide support to the 63rd Parachute Brigade’s landing force, which landed from Mi-17 helicopters from a height of about 2,000 meters.
In the next segment, an attack on terrorist forces was demonstrated, during which the efficiency of manoeuvres and the destructive power of our special forces’ fire were shown. The attack started with sniper teams’ fire action. After their action, fire was opened on a group of hardened targets by machine-gun and remotely controlled unmanned ground platform Miloš crews, which provide support and protection to the special landing teams.

Next, an attack force landed from four H145M helicopters. After neutralizing terrorists in the facilities, armoured vehicle teams entered and neutralized terrorists who were trying to withdraw.

The last but one segment ended with the pursuit of a group of "terrorists" who got through the blockade in an attempt to escape with the hostages. Two Special Forces teams set off in pursuit of terrorists and released the hostages from the bus.
The fifth segment of the exercise demonstrated the evacuation of forces whose task was to destroy the terrorist group, by H145M and Bel-212 helicopters.

All segments of the exercise showed the readiness, determination and competence of the SAF and police units for successfully addressing all risks and threats to the security of the Republic of Serbia and its citizens.
President Vučić welcomed at “Orešac” training ground

11.00 - The President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, has just arrived at the "Orešac" training ground, where he was greeted by the Serbian Armed Forces Guard.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović, Minister of the Interior Aleksandar Vulin, Police Director Vladimir Rebić and Director of the Security Information Agency Bratislav Gašić are also attending the exercises. Among the distinguished guests is also Milorad Dodik, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  Special SAF and Police units will demonstrate their capability to conduct an anti-terrorist action and resolve a hostage situation at the “Orešac” training ground.
At “Pasuljanske livade” training ground, the Army, Air Force and Air Defence, Gendarmerie and the Ministry of the Interior’s Helicopter Unit will demonstrate a reinforced battle group’s defensive action shifting to counter-attack. Fighter and bomber aircraft, helicopters and anti-aircraft artillery and missile weapons will engage designated targets. Army units will demonstrate the manoeuvres and firepower of modern armoured combat vehicles, artillery and a wide range of infantry weapons.

Preparation and take-off of helicopters from Lađevci airport

10.00 – The final stage of the Joint Live Fire Exercise “Response 2021” will be conducted today at the “Orešac” and “Pasuljanske livade” training grounds by members of the Serbian Armed Forces and Police. The demonstration at the “Orešac” training ground starts at 11 a.m. and at “Pasuljanske livade” at 12.30 a.m. and it will be broadcast live on the Radio Television of Serbia’s first channel.  
This morning, the final preparation and take-off of Mi-35 helicopters and "gamma" anti-tank helicopters, which will participate in the exercise, was performed at the Lađevci airport, and before the start of the exercise, "Eagle" attack aircraft will also take off.

At today's exercise, Mi-35 helicopters are charged with the task of providing fire support after stopping the enemy in order to prepare for a counterattack. Mi-35 helicopters will fire unguided missiles and 23-millimeter guns.

At the Pasuljanske livade training ground, their main purpose will be shown - to engage targets on the ground, as part of air support to the ground force, i.e. anti-armour combat and destruction of the enemy manpower.
Due to its top performance, the Mi-35 helicopter is considered to be one of the world’s best attack helicopters in its class, intended for performing combat tasks in all weather conditions. Due to its great firepower and strong armour, it is called the "flying tank" in the west, and "crocodile" in Russia.

By purchasing Mi-35 helicopters, together with Mi-17 and H-145 helicopters, the Serbian Armed Forces Air Force and Air Defence has significantly enhanced its operational capabilities, which is a great step forward in technological terms.

At today's exercise, anti-tank "gamma" helicopters will provide support to the forces at the forward defence area. According to the exercise plan, they will covertly approach the fire line, with minimal delay, from a distance of 2,300 meters and use "Malyutka" missiles to neutralize enemy armoured vehicles.
  "Eagle" attack aircraft will take off from Ladjevci Airport today, which will fire air-to-surface missiles at the enemy at Pasuljanske livade, in order to inflict as many losses as possible and slow down the pace of their attack.
The "Eagle" is intended for such use, to provide direct support to the ground force by engaging the enemy.
In order to achieve air supremacy at the Pasuljanske livade training ground, two MiG-29 fighter aircraft will also be deployed. They will take control of the airspace in a simulated combat and create conditions for air fire support. The MiGs will take off from the "Colonel Pilot Milenko Pavlović" airport in Batajnica.
After more than 25 years, Serbia has procured nine modern Airbus H-145M versatile helicopters, the most modern in their class, five of which for the Serbian Armed Forces, which entered service last year. In this way, providing the Serbian Armed Forces with the most modern weapons and military equipment continued. This new equipment significantly contributes to the enhancement of our armed forces’ defence capacities and operational capabilities.
  H-145M helicopters will show their main purpose today at the Pasuljanske livade training ground – the transport of people and equipment, but they can also be used for search and rescue, medical transportation, reconnaissance and observation of the battlefield and fire support.

About 1,200 members of the Serbian Armed Forces and about 300 members of the police are taking part in the "Response 2021" exercise. Members of the Army, Air Force and Air Defence, 72nd Special Operations Brigade, 63rd Parachute Brigade, Gendarmerie, the Ministry of the Interior’s Special Anti-Terrorist and Helicopter Units will demonstrate their capabilities.