Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Final phase of joint live fire exercise "Response 2021"

Serbian Armed Forces and Ministry of the Interior units are conducting intensive training activities as part of the joint live fire exercise “Response 2021”.
Members of the Army, Air Force and Air Defence, 72nd Special Operations Brigade, 63rd Parachute Brigade, Gendarmerie and the Ministry of the Interior’s Special Anti-Terrorist and Helicopter Units are taking part in the exercise.

In the final phase of the exercise, on Saturday, the Serbian Armed Forces and Police units will demonstrate part of their capabilities, training, firepower and joint action in resolving crisis situations to the top state and military leaders and the general public at the "Pasuljanske livade" and "Orešac" training grounds.
Special SAF and Police units will open the exercise with a dynamic demonstration at the “Orešac“ training ground. At the “Pasuljanske livade“ training ground, a reinforced battle group will demonstrate its defensive action shifting to counter-attack.

In addition to excellent training and synchronization, the efficiency of state-of-the-art weapons systems used by the Serbian Armed Forces will be demonstrated on Saturday.