Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Stefanović lays wreath at Monument to Pilots, Defenders of Belgrade

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, laid a wreath at the Monument to the Pilots, Defenders of Belgrade at the Zemun Quay to mark the Beginning of the Second World War in Yugoslavia Memorial Day – 6 April 1941. The minister said that the monument had been erected in honour of the heavenly knights, "11 pilots, magnificent heroes, who, although aware that they would lose their lives, resisted a far more superior enemy without any hesitation."
    - Today we mark eight decades since one of the hardest, darkest days in the history of our capital. The seemingly peaceful Easter morning of 6 April 1941, turned into a fight for life and the day when, as the residents of the then Belgrade put it, Belgrade was on fire. The fascist Germany’s terrorist act, as Adolph Hitler's retribution for the 27 March military coup, led to the outbreak of the April War and conflicts that had far-reaching consequences. Our people and country paid dearly for their anti-fascist orientation - Minister Stefanović says, adding that, Belgrade was bombed four times with 440 tons of bombs on the first day of the war.
It is estimated that about 4,000 people were killed in the April War, although it was impossible to determine the exact number of the dead and wounded, because a great number of victims remained buried under the rubble, said Minister Stefanović, referring to the fact that the Serbian National Library had also been destroyed by bombs and the invaluable cultural heritage of our people had been lost.
- The enemy had the advantage in every sense; it was better organized, more experienced in combat, with five times more strength. But even such a superior aggressor faced the heroic defenders of our sky. The Royal Yugoslav Air Force’s Sixth Fighter Regiment was one of the most impressive symbols of our country's defence against fascist force. Surrender was not an option for them - said Minister Stefanović and noted that those heavenly knights had shot down more than 40 German bombers and fighters in a fearless assault.
Minister Stefanović emphasizes that no one and nothing managed to break our people’s willpower and that they were responsible for the fact that the Serbian people still survive today and that our country has found ways to always rise from the ashes after numerous destructions.
- We have rebuilt from the ashes many times, paid a high price for being on the just side of history, but we were and still are an anti-fascist nation. Today, Serbia is on the path to prosperity and a better future. It is being built, strengthened, it is making a constant progress, but we must and we do keep the memory of the sacrifices we made for freedom and we must never forget our heroes and their courageous deeds - said Minister Stefanović.
Wreaths were also laid by the Air Force and Air Defence Deputy Commander Brigadier General Željko Bilić and the 250th Missile Brigade Commander Brigadier General Tiosav Janković, and the fallen pilots were honoured by a delegation representing the Serbian Armed Forces led by the 98th Air Brigade Commander Brigadier General Zoran Prodanović, Mayor of Belgrade Zoran Radojičić, representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs and associations nurturing the traditions of the Serbian liberation wars.