Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović at “Peskovi“ range: Armed forces stand as our country's strongest bulwark

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, said today at the "Peskovi" range that our service members’ skills, commitment, high morale and strength justified the citizens’ trust and that they stood as our country's strongest bulwark.
  He visited members of the Serbian Armed Forces who are undergoing training at the training ground near Veliko Gradište, where the Sniper Course participants are simultaneously undergoing training organized by The Army Training Centre from Požarevac, and the NCO Training Centre from Pančevo is carrying out the Basic NCO Course activities.
According to the Minister, it is expected that 300 professional soldiers will be promoted to the first NCO ranks this year, after which they will join their units in their new capacity.
Evaluating the exercise, Stefanović said that the Sniper Course and the Basic NCO Course participants had shown how important training was for our soldiers to be professional and efficient.
  - That, of course, shows how much we will have to invest in our training grounds, the Training Command and the personnel in charge of this type of activities, because they are the Serbian Armed Forces’ treasure. This way we get soldiers who know what they are doing. We get well-trained staff, but, of course, we continue investing in their equipment. We continue investing in everything that is important for their daily work and, of course, for deterring any potential enemies who might think of attacking Serbia - Stefanović pointed out.
According to the Minister, it is important for SAF units to work every day and undergo the most realistic training possible for senior duties in the military and other specialty trainings.
  Stefanović took the opportunity today to have an informal conversation with the soldiers and find out what problems and challenges they were facing.
As the Minister pointed out, in addition to the salary increase that is expected in seven days’ time, the Ministry of Defence will also work on improving the quality of uniforms and other equipment used by soldiers.