Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Miloš Biković visits Military Academy: Cadets are source of pride for Serbia

Miloš Biković, a renowned Serbian actor, visited the Military Academy today. In the company of third and fourth-year cadets, he had the opportunity to learn about the life and work at this higher education institution and feel the spirit of the future officers’ training. For Mr Biković, it was an opportunity to gain valuable experience for his future roles, and for cadets to meet and spend time with one of their generation’s idols. – The military personnel have a special way of thinking, code of conduct and value system and I have come to the Military Academy to get acquainted with that and, in a way, get additional education as an actor and prepare for some upcoming roles – Biković said.
He explains that a day in uniform has not changed his outlook on the military and the military personnel, but the direct experience has changed his feelings towards the military. – Today I had the honour of standing in line with the cadets while the flag was being raised. It is something that can be depicted in a film, but when you are there and when you feel it, there is some kind of reaction in your stomach and your blood. That is a moment I will remember when I leave here, as well as these wonderful young people who are, and you can see that in their eyes, mentally, physically, spiritually ... Good people. We should be really proud of them - the famous actor points out.

Anđela Vučković, a third-year cadet, says that she and her colleagues are proud that the famous actor was standing in line with them and that he trained with them on the infantry obstacle course.
– We were thrilled to see how easily he did the obstacle course and how fearlessly he faces new challenges. He is spontaneous, interesting and funny. I got the impression that he holds true values ​​and that he respects the military - says cadet Vučković.
Miloš Biković started his workday at the Military Academy with a morning muster and flag hoisting standing in line with the cadets, followed by the infantry obstacle course and martial arts training sessions at the sports centre. The actor had the opportunity to try his hand at shooting infantry weapons at the pistol shooting range, and to taste the food that the Military Academy’s cadet restaurant prepares for future officers every day.