Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Open Days for young people interested in enrolling in military schools

A traditional campaign has begun in which military schools enable interested elementary and high school students who are wondering how to enrol in military schools and become part of the brave Serbian Armed Forces, to visit them and get answers to all their questions.
Every Saturday until 31 March, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., interested students and their parents can visit the Military Academy, Military Grammar School and Secondary Vocational Military School. Military school teachers, cadets and students will introduce them to the enrolment process and help them personally see what awaits them if they choose the military profession.

Major Željko Jokić, professor at the Army weapons and military equipment Department explains why this campaign is important.

 - Interested applicants can get acquainted with the military schools’ curricula, extracurricular activities, accommodation and sports facilities directly and on the spot. They can talk to the teachers and learn details about study programs and the curriculum. They will be allowed to enter the cadets' rooms and see where the cadets live and work. They will also be able to go into the classrooms where classes are held and check the quality of the classroom equipment - Major Jokić points out.
This is an opportunity for them to learn about the advantages of military schools which offer excellent education, accommodation, course books and health care free of charge.

 - In addition to the curriculum content, the Military Academy offers plenty of extracurricular activities, such as sports, drama, music, literary and oratory clubs. A modern pistol shooting range was opened at the Military Academy two years ago. In addition to the shooting range, there is also a training simulator, which is unique in the Balkans. When they graduate from the Military Academy, the cadets become lieutenants and get permanent employment in the Serbian Armed Forces, an opportunit ywhich no other faculty in the country provides. Also, after graduating from the Military Academy, lieutenants have the opportunity to continue their education. There are two courses of training. One implies the Basic Command and Staff Course, Command and Staff Course and General Staff Course, and the other implies academic training through master's and doctoral studies - Major Jokić points out.

Luka Ćelić from Šabac was one of the first young people to come today to inquire about the Military Academy enrolment conditions.

 - I found enrolment details on the website. I saw a lot of photos that I liked. I came to see what it is like here, what the living and working conditions are like, to see some types of weapons and sports halls - said Ćelić.
Luka points out that he learned about the enrolment conditions last year and that he is preparing for the entrance exam.

- I have been preparing since last year. I read on the website that you need to prepare for a math and a PE test, so I have been preparing for those and I hope I will be successful - says Luka Ćelić.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Military Academy will admit 210 cadets in seven study programs, the Military Medical Academy's Medical Faculty will admit 40 cadets into the youngest class of integrated academic medical studies, the Military Grammar School will enrol 80 students in the first year and five students in the second and third years respectively, and the"1300 Corporals" Secondary Vocational Military School will enrol 60 students in five areas of study.

For more military school enrolment details, please visit the official Ministry of Defence website (, military schools’ websites and the following institutions where "Open Days" campaign is underway:

33 Veljka Lukića Kurjaka Street, Belgrade
Tel: 011/3603-344 • 011/3603-341
22 Humska Street, Belgrade
Tel: 011/3603-655 and 011/3603-972
22 Humska Street, Belgrade
Tel:  011/3603-634 and 011/3603-738