Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

President Vučić presents decorations on Serbia’s Statehood Day

Today, on the occasion of the Statehood Day, President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić presented decorations to deserving individuals, institutions and associations at the ceremony held in the Palace of Serbia.
The ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović.

Addressing the gathering, President of the Republic said that today was a great day for Serbia – its Statehood Day.

 - It is our day today, our national holiday, the day when the modern Serbian state was born, the day when the great Grand Leader, the man of the people – Black George, started the uprising against the Turks, but also the day when, thanks to Prince Miloš Obrenović and Dimitrije Davidović, Serbia adopted a modern, liberal and timeless Constitution – a Constitution ahead of its time. That is why we are proud of our past today, of our ancestors, but looking at them, we look at the future of our people and our children and we are ready to work for it – said the President of Serbia.

He pointed out that Sretenje (Fiest of the Presentation of the Lord) was the most important date in Serbia’s historical, political and religious calendar. He pointed out that “Sretenje is our textbook and our reader, the time of re-examination, the time of the unity of our people, wherever they live“.
- This is a holiday celebrated by all those who love and live for Serbia, a holiday which inspires our people in tormented Kosovo and Metohija and gives them strength to survive and preserve the Serbian hearth and home, Serbian names and surnames, in a place where it is most difficult to do so – President Vučić said.

He said that the holiday also boosted the energy of our people in Montenegro, “reminding us to be with those who are allowed to say that they are Serbs and to be proud of them,without endangering anyone or interfering with another state’s rights“.

- I congratulate our people in the Republic of Srpska because our holidays are your holidays, and vice versa. We belong to the same family, and no one has the right to take that away from us. Here, in the Palace of Serbia, we have a special obligation to say thank you to the heroes of our time, to those who gave a lot for Serbia, who did not only live for themselves, but also for us and our only country. Today we are here to pay tribute to those who have worked hard for this country and its people and for our common future, and to the foreigners who supported this country, who were always by its side and who knew that Serbia was an important part of their lives - President Vučić said.

Today, we pay tribute to courage and qualitywhich are inseparable parts of honour and its basic conditions, said President Vučić and added that tribute was paid to courage whose proportions matched the size of the huge task called Serbia, its glory, its honour, its life and its future.
- Giving to Serbia and not asking for anything in return, incorporating your work in its name, sacrificing for it, is the greatest thing anyone can do in their lifetime. That is why today Serbia shows gratitude to those who have worked for it, and gives them the greatest recognition, ranking them among honourable and great people, whose names and deeds will never be forgotten and will remain inscribed in the eternal book of honour, courage and praise - President Vučić pointed out.

The President tells the awarded individuals that, after receiving orders and decorations, they have to take on an even greater responsibility, because "they will be an example of a good, decent and successful Serbia everywhere."

- Also, you will be role models for generations to come, because the value of life is not measured by how much you enjoyed it, but by what you did for your country and people. You have proved what famous Churchill used to say, that these great deeds are simple and can fit in just one or a few words: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy and hope. I have only one thing to add to this, those words are not great in themselves, you have made them great and Serbia will be grateful to you forever. To you who have made our culture and art famous around the world and to you, wonderful doctors, who have fought every day, and many have even lost their lives. And you, who are here today and who will continue fighting for the lives of our citizens, for the lives of our people, can rest assured that Serbia will never forget that and will always be grateful to you, Serbia that raises its head today, the proud and successful Serbia, the peaceful Serbia and above all, the free Serbia - said President Vučić.
Among those who were awarded the highest state decorations by the Decree of the President of the Republic on the occasion of the Statehood Day - Sretenje are the University of Defence and numerous members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

Due to the Covid-19 prevention measures, the medals were awarded only to a part of the winners.

The Order of the White Eagle with Swords, Third Class, was awarded to the University of Defence for outstanding contribution to the Republic of Serbia and its citizens and results achieved in higher military education. On behalf of the University of Defence, the Order was received by the Rector, Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović.

Head of the Military Medical Academy Colonel Miroslav Vukosavljević, Prof. M.D, PhD, was awarded the Order of Karadjordje's Star, Second Class, for exceptional merit in the field of science and health care, and the Head of the Military Medical Academy’s Clinic for Infectious Diseases, Colonel Dragan Mikić, Prof.M.D, PhD, was awarded the Gold Medal of Merit for outstanding results in the fields of medicine and health care.

On behalf of the decorated individuals, film director Emir Kusturica, who was decorated with the Sretenje Order, First Class, addressed the audience, and the MoD’s Artistic Ensemble "Stanislav Binički" performed at today's ceremony.