Minister Stefanović attends the filming of online lessons
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has visited the Military Academy today where he attended the filming of lessons for an online course called “Fundamentals of the Defence System of the Republic of Serbia”.
- The Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, has been working on this important project, where we teach curriculum topics that are important for the defence of our country to our third and fourth year secondary school students – said Minister Stefanović adding that, although this was an optional course, he was glad that apart from the Military Academy professors, members of the Ministry of Defence and reserve officers, teachers from different schools in Serbia were involved in those classes whose aim is to teach students the most important topics related to the development of our military, the elements of defence and the most important things that were inextricably linked with the security of our country.

- We had the opportunity to see today how some of the online teaching materials are filmed and I am satisfied with how our lecturers did that, how they presented important information to students, because we want our military to be even stronger and because we are thinking of reintroducing mandatory military service. We want to talk about it to everyone. I think that this is an important topic, and I personally support the idea. I support the idea of reinstating conscription - the Minister of Defence emphasizes, underlining that classes like these, where they can hear the sounds of the anthem and see movies about the military, would additionally teach young people patriotism and enable them to learn what makes a good and successful soldier who has dedicated his future and career to the Republic of Serbia.

- We want to work on this even harder in the future. We will invest in technological approaches and together with "Zastava Film" we will enrich our lectures with complex films showing what the Serbian Armed Forces can do today, and I hope that the citizens of Serbia will be able to see that every year their armed forces are getting stronger, bigger and more capable of being the guarantor of security and stability of the Republic of Serbia - said Minister Stefanović.
Eleven topics grouped into four online classes for the subject of "Fundamentals of the Defence System of the Republic of Serbia" have been filmed.