Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović presents scholarships to 23 young people

Today, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, handed over the Ministry of Defence’s scholarship contracts to 23 young people who fulfilled the 2020/2021 scholarship competition requirements. The ceremony was held in the Old General Staff’s Great War Hall.

Stefanović said that those young people who had decided to build their future in the defence system and who wanted to invest their knowledge and effort in building stronger armed forces and a better Serbia, deserved deep respect.
- To my great satisfaction, today they are becoming our scholarship students. The scholarships we award are just one of the ways to encourage young people to dare and join the large family of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. It is a great honour to wear the military uniform and be a member of the armed forces. Our traditions are something that few countries in the world can boast of. You are becoming a part of that rich tradition today, under an obligation to improve and lay the foundations for some new times with your work and knowledge in the coming period and to be an example to some new scholarship holders - said Stefanović.

The Minister pointed out that after graduating from secondary school and completing military training, six military scholarship holders would join the Air Force and Air Defence, which is the privilege of a small number of people.

After graduating, 17 of their older colleagues will start working at the Military Technical Institute in Belgrade and the "Đordje Dimitrijevic Đura" Technical Overhaul Institute in Kragujevac. The Minister noted that these were world-renowned institutions.
- We are aware that young people can earn more in the private sector. However, the state constantlystrives to improve service members’ material status, which will be reflected this year in a significant increase in salaries. Also, the construction of flats for members of the security forces provides an opportunity for our members to solve their housing issues ataffordable prices that are far below market prices - said Stefanović.

He pointed out that there were many advantages andreasons for young people to build a future in the Serbian Armed Forces, but that love for Serbia and our people was certainly the strongest motive.

Veljko Jovanović from Bela Palanka, a future aircraft mechanic, says that the MoD’s scholarship means a lot to him.

- I have always loved the military, especially Serbian war history. That was my main motive to wanting to work in the Serbian Armed Forces. For me personally, the scholarship is a step towards independence in later life. I feel proud to have managed to come here from a small town and to have the opportunity to get the contract from the Minister of Defence himself- Jovanović points out.
Vojin Vešković from Zaječar, a student at the Faculty of Electronics in Niš, also got a scholarship contract.

- The competition appealed to me because I would like to continue the tradition of my ancestors who were officers, which is a great honour for me. I am extremely pleased to have succeeded and to have received a scholarship. This scholarship means that I am on the right path, and it is certainly significant financial support - Vešković points out.