Serbian Armed Forces Logistics Corps gets 27 new vehicles
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended today the handover of 27 new non-combat vehicles for the Serbian Armed Forces at the “People’s Hero Stevica Jovanović” barracks in Pančevo.

He pointed out that after yesterday’s meeting with President Vučić, dedicated to equipping the Serbian Armed Forces, steps were already being taken to carry out all assigned tasks in the following period.
- We will do our best to continue equipping our units even more intensively in 2021 and prove that we take care of our military personnel. In addition to procuring combat vehicles, it is our task to provide our units with more non-combat vehicles that are necessary for the proper functioning of our units, primarily logistics units – emphasized Minister of Defence, noting that besides combat vehicles which were usually associated with the military, non-combat vehicles were equally important to our units for carrying out various tasks.
Minister Stefanović said that without adequate, good and accurate logistics, Serbian Armed Forces were unable to carry out their tasks.

According to Colonel Dragiša Zinaja from the General Staff’s Logistics Department, out of a total of 27 non-combat motor vehicles presented today, 22 are general-purpose vehicles – passenger cars, vans and different types of delivery vehicles suitable for transporting people and equipment together. The vehicles will be mainly distributed to logistics units, to ensure better mobility of logistics teams.
- In addition, there are five special vehicles - three ambulances, as part of the ambulance fleet replenishment programme, and two fuel tankers for aircraft refuelling, that can refuel two aircraft simultaneously in five minutes - emphasized Colonel Zinaja.
Minister of Defence was accompanied by Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Major General Petar Cvetković and Head of General Staff’s Logistics Department, Brigadier General Srđan Petković on his visit to the “People’s Hero Stevica Jovanović” barracks in Pančevo.