Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović presents decorations to deserving members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces

In the name of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, presented decorations to deserving members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces today. The decorations were awarded by presidential decree on the occasion of Sretenje, the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia.
Today’s ceremony held in the Old General Staff was attended by Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović.

The Silver Medal of Merit was awarded to 46 and the Silver Medal for Zealous Service to 79 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

Adhering to all Covid-19 preventative measures, Minister Stefanović presented 10 state decorations, saying that it was his honour to present them to the most deserving individuals in memory of the day in our history which was a lasting source of inspiration to both Serbian people and armed forces.

- Not many people have the opportunity to be awarded this kind of decoration in their lives. Therefore, your obligation is even greater, what you do will be observed by your colleagues, your superiors and subordinates, and you must keep that in mind in your everyday life, but you must also be aware that you have earned these awards for your exceptional work - said Minister Stefanović.
  According to the Minister of Defence, when deciding on the medals to be awarded, President Vučić was guided by everything that was done in the previous period for the progress of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

- I would like to thank you for not giving up on your tasks this year when our country is fighting a fierce battle against Covid-19. What I have always noticed and what I think is very important for the whole country to see, and what we must never forget, is that in difficult times members of the Serbian Armed Forces never turn their backs, never lag behind and always complete their tasks first, even when the tasks are so complex and new that they may endanger people’s lives. On behalf of the President, I also thank you for that. These recognitions show that, regardless of all these circumstances, you have always been the first to carry out tasks and that you are truly the pride of our country. Never forget that, and we will never forget what you have done and how fiercely you fight for our armed forces to be, I would say, the best in the world - said Minister Stefanović.

One of the recipients of the Silver Medal of Merit is Colonel Saša Stefanović, who points out that he is deeply honoured to be decorated by the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander.

 - It is always an honour to be awarded or recognized for what you have done, especially by the first man in the country, our commander. I see this as a success in my professional career. It is recognition that I appreciate, recognition for me and my team, but also for my family - said Colonel Stefanović.
Lieutenant Colonel Nebojša Milosavljević was also awarded a Silver Medal of Merit. In addition to being greatly honoured and pleased with the decoration awarded to him today, it obliges him to work even harder and more devotedly in the future.
- I would like to thank the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces for the decoration awarded to me today by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence. I would also like to thank my team. I think that I have earned this decoration thanks to them, because without a strong team, no task can be executed successfully - said Lieutenant Colonel Milosavljević.