Military Technical Institute strengthens the defence system
The Military Technical Institute celebrates its Day - 3 November - today, as well as its 72nd anniversary. Respecting all prescribed preventative measures against Covid-19, they are celebrating the holiday at work.

The director, Colonel Bojan Pavković, PhD, points out that during 2020, 10 technical means developed by the Military Technical Institute have been introduced into the materiel of the Serbian Armed Forces, and when it comes to final testing, 19 means have been handed over for final testing since the beginning of the year.
- The Ministry of Defence has continued to encourage the Military Technical Institute and the factories of the Serbian Defence Industry to increase their capacities for the development of modern weapons and military equipment. The results of that were shown in the live-fire joint tactical exercise “Joint Action 2020” carried out by the Serbian Armed Forces recently – Colonel Pavković notes.
He particularly emphasizes the fact that this year they have continued the recruitment of younger employees, and what is encouraging is that the number of new recruits has been on the rise in the last three years.

In mid-October, the Military Technical Institute successfully held an international Scientific Conference on Defence Technologies – OTEH 2020, online for the first time, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Out of a total number of 97 accepted papers, 23 papers were by foreign authors from 13 countries, while the rest of the papers were by Serbian participants.
This scientific research institution can also boast of a high ranking of its scientific journal "Scientific Technical Review", which has been published for 70 years. On that occasion, the Ministry of Defence awarded the Military Technical Institute the Golden Plaque of the Ministry of Defence this year, as a sign of recognition for the contribution to the execution of tasks within the competence of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.