Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: “Yumco“ produces the best, and members of Serbian Armed Forces deserve the best

As a sign of gratitude for understanding, support and invaluable assistance in strengthening production capacities of the “Yumco” company and production for the needs of the defence system of the Republic of Serbia, the CEO of the “Yumco” company, Branislav Trajković, presented the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, with a Plaque on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of this company.
After visiting the production plants where protective and ballistic equipment is produced for the needs of the Serbian Armed Forces, Minister Vulin said that, when the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić became the Minister of Defence in 2012, he paved the way that everyone after him followed, which primarily meant cooperation with state-owned companies and companies that employ a large number of workers.

- This company was almost abandoned. We all remember the time when the workers did not receive salaries for a year, when there was no electricity in these plants, when the workers in these plants had no hope. Thanks to the work of President Vučić and thanks to the fact that he, who was the Prime Minister at the time, made some difficult decisions thanks to which we could later have enough money to help, among others, "Yumco" from Vranje, today we are witnesses that this is a large company which employs about 2,000 workers, not only in Vranje, but also in Drvar, Despotovac, Bujanovac, that this is a company that is growing and developing and I can proudly say that it has products whose quality does not lag behind any world-renowned manufacturer - said Minister Vulin.
  “Yumco“ can always count on the MoD and SAF’s support, Minister Vulin points out, and says that in the past three years, this company has completely changed the visual identity of our armed forces. - The design of our soldiers’ uniforms is as good as the uniform design of the most developed and strongest militaries in the world, and they do not lag behind in terms of quality either. "Yumco" produces the best, and only the best can be given to members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, because they deserve it - Minister Vulin emphasizes.

On the occasion of the anniversary, the CEO of the “Yumco” company, Branislav Trajković, also presented the Plaques to the State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, Bojan Jocić and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Economy, Dragan Stevanović, who also visited the company today.
- This year “Yumco“ is celebrating its 60th anniversary. A lot of things have been done this year that we can be proud of. Together with the Ministry of Defence, we opened a plant in Drvar, where we employed 85 workers. We performed a major reconstruction in our factory, where the boiler room was renovated and reconstructed, we renewed the machines in the apparel production and finishing plants - said Mr. Trajković and added that, despite the crisis caused by the coronavirus, "Yumco" has operated continuously, providing work throughout the year, and thus a secure source of income for all its employees.
  Also, Mr. Trajković thanked the President of the Republic and the Ministries of Defence, Economy and Internal Affairs for their help thanks to which “Yumco”’s operation returned to normal.