Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: The Prime Minister of a country where the Yellow House is should choose his words carefully when speaking about crimes

- The Prime Minister of a country where the Yellow House is, the place where Serbs’ organs were removed and sold, should choose his words much more carefully when speaking about crimes. I thought that Edi Rama opened his mouth today to condemn the attempted murder of the Serbian children in a school in Donja Brnjica. Instead, he praises and defends the murderers and terrorists of the so-called KLA – said the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin at the “Karađorđevo“ stud farm where the “Serbian Armed Forces Cup“ is being held today.  

- The Prime Minister of a country that supports the murderers from the so-called KLA would have to kneel and ask the killed Serbian children for forgiveness before asking anyone to apologize to him for anything. I don't know why they are attacking Edi Rama in Albania, but I know that no one in Serbia will attack him if he condemns the terrorists from the so-called KLA for the murder and rape of a twelve-year-old girl in the village of Klečka, committed by the Mazreku brothers, the murderers from the so-called KLA. I don't know why he is being attacked in Albania, but I know that no one in Serbia will condemn him if he says for once that he is against the idea of Shiptars uniting into a "Greater Albania" and breaking up three or four other countries in the Balkans to create their own. Let him say that and he will have all the necessary support in Serbia. I don't know why they are attacking Edi Rama in Albania, but I know that no one in Serbia will attack him if he finally wishes for peace, and until then, I am disgusted with the man who is making "Greater Albania" and talking about peace - said Minister Vulin.