Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: Serbian Armed Forces are the guardians of our security, fundamental values and tradition

Today, the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin attended the “Serbian Armed Forces Cup –Karađorđevo 2020“ event that was held for the third time in a row at the “Karađorđevo” stud farm near Bačka Palanka.

Minister Vulin pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces restored this great and important event three years ago.
- This is not only a contribution to the tourism potential of Bačka Palanka, but also an indicator of the fact that the Serbian Armed Forces are returning to themselves, tradition, and preserving the things that are important to our people. Armed Forces are not just a group of people carrying weapons. Armed Forces are the guardians of tradition, of those values that made our people worth repeating – emphasized Minister Vulin and added that horsemen from all over Serbia have gathered for the third year.

- Best horses come to run in the most significant races of the season and for the third year in a row we show how precious the Serbian Armed Forces are to their country, and wherever the Serbian Armed Forces are, there is always the opportunity to do something, improve, upgrade, and provide assistance to the local communities and our country. The Serbian Armed Forces are the guardians of our security, but they are also the guardians of fundamental values, a tradition that has made our people great and valuable - said the Minister of Defence.

Minister Vulin attended the main trotting race “Čegar”, as well as the main gallop race in the Serbian Armed Forces  Cup – “Serbian Cavalry Division” – central events of today’s competition.

This year’s winner in the “Serbian Cavalry Division” race is Goran Mešetović and the horse “Spencer’s Son”, and the trophy was presented to the winner by Minister Vulin.  
Darko Ljubomirović and the horse “Calimero Bas“ took second place in the same race, while Miloš Milojević and the horse “Miss Mazzie“ took third place.

Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Major General Petar Cvetković presented the trophy to the winning horse “Hercule de Sajan” and the rider Branko Skenderović, who took first place in the main trotting race "Čegar". The second place was taken by the rider Josip Gavrić Jr. and the horse "Sara Vaughan AT", while Dejan Katanić and the horse "Armani B." took third place.

Earlier in the day, as part of this year’s “Serbian Armed Forces Cup – Karađorđevo 2020”, three trotting races were held - “Paštrik”, “The Liberation of Belgrade” and “Košare”, three gallop races -“Kolubara”, “Cer” and “Kajmakčalan”, as well as the parade of the Guard’s Cavalry Squadron. Trophies were won by Vladimir Pribić and “Amy del Duomo”, Martina Jozić and “Anna Milau”, Anđel Andor and “Tour de Lux”, Željko Ilić and “Targaryan”, Goran Mešetović and “Waslawi” and Željko Ilić and “Can You Catch Me”.
Unlike the previous two years, this year, “Serbian Armed Forces Cup – Karađorđevo” lasted only one day due to epidemiological situation and preventative measures against the spread of Covid-19, and the event was not open to general public.

The event was restored in 2018, after a 12-year break and it significantly contributed to restoring the “Karađorđevo” stud farm, established back in 1885, to its original splendour.