Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: Armed Forces will be ready if the epidemic recurs

The Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Milosav Simović, visited today members of the 246th CBRN Battalion in the “Car Lazar” barracks in Kruševac and attended the presentation of a mobile decontamination platform, a new vehicle that is being tested by this battalion.
On that occasion, Minister Vulin said that CBRN units are being equipped and prepared for providing assistance to civilian authorities wherever and whenever it is needed.

 - During intensive fight against Covid-19, CBRN units made an immense contribution and provided assistance wherever it was needed. For that particular reason, drawing on experience from the previous period, we are preparing for a future which does not always have to bright. That is why we have also prepared new vehicles and new equipment. That is why, based on the experience gained during the fight against Covid-19, we have provided what we were missing and what we needed – Minister Vulin said.

The personnel, organisation, and technical means of the CBRN component must be enhanced, emphasizes the Minister of Defence and points out that we must not relax because the Covid-19 epidemic has subsided at the moment, but we must be ready for everything that comes. Also, Minister Vulin said that the Serbian Armed Forces will be ready in terms of staff and in material and technical sense, for any challenge that they may face.

The mobile decontamination platform was developed by the Military Technical Institute and its zero series has been tested by the 246th CBRN Battalion since 24 September.
Commander of the Platoon for the Prevention of CBRN Incidents of the 246th CBRN Battalion, Lieutenant Rajko Gujaničić points out that the mobile decontamination platform has numerous advantages and it can replace five vehicles and devices used in the military – decontamination tanker, water tanker, fire engine, Rosenbauer fire fighting pump and the Sanijet decontamination device.

 - Today, we had the opportunity to present a decontamination platform intended for CBR decontamination of people, weapons and equipment. In addition to that, the vehicle can be used for pumping water out of flooded areas, battlefield decontamination and firefighting. By integrating and developing this vehicle, five devices have been replaced – said Leiutenant Gujaničić, adding that thanks to the mobile platform, it is possible to decontaminate aircraft, artillery weapons and vehicles whose height exceeds three metres.
Lieutenant Gujaničić points out that the modernization of CBRN service means a lot to everyone, and that the new vehicle motivates all members of that service to continue doing their job reliably and dedicatedly, aware that they are being invested in.

After today’s visit, the Commander of the CBRN Centre, Colonel Sibin Dinčić, presented Minister Vulin with a Plaque of that Centre.