Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister of Defence and Chief of the General Staff inspect the preparations for the “JOINT ACTION 2020” exercise

Minister Vulin: After 20 years, our MiGs are firing air-to-surface missiles
The Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović visited the members of the Air Force and Air Defence who are conducting aviation live-fire training in the area of the “Pasuljanske livade“ Military Complex in preparation for the live-fire joint tactical exercise “JOINT ACTION 2020”, which will be carried out on Pešter in October.
- Thanks to the personal contribution and immense persistence of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, our Air Force and Air Defence have been saved from disappearance and decay, they have been improved so much so that we can compete with any country in the region, with any country that has aviation – said Minister Vulin, adding that he is truly proud of all members of our Air Force.  

The Minister of Defence points out that today, for the first time after more than 20 years, our MiGs have fired an air-to-surface missile and that after several decades military pilots have the opportunity to conduct live firing.
- Decades have passed; a whole generation of pilots has never had live-fire training. Nowadays, it is completely normal. Nowadays, we do it regularly, we train our pilots in the same way that the largest and the most modern armies in the world do. We are preparing for a big exercise - “JOINT ACTION 2020” that will be conducted on Pešter in October, where we will show everything that we have adopted, all the new things. We will show the new Serbian Armed Forces that are capable of carrying out every task – Minister Vulin announced.

The Commander of the 204th Air Brigade, Colonel Brane Krnjajić, explains that air-to-ground live-fire training has been conducted with MiG-29, G-4 and Orao aircraft.

- The MiG-29 aircraft have fired S-8 rockets for the first time on this range. Those manoeuvres have not been practiced before. Also, G-4 aircraft with trained crews participated, engaging ground targets with S-5 rockets, while Orao aircraft fired 250 kg FAP bombs. With this live-fire training today we have practically confirmed that the aviation is ready for the next stage of training which starts next week as part of final preparations for the “JOINT ACTION 2020” exercise – said Colonel Krnjajić, emphasizing that today’s live firing has been carried out successfully, with excellent results.
Today’s preparations for the “Joint Action 2020” exercise were attended by the Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, Commander of the AF and AD, Major General Duško Žarković, Deputy Commander of the AF and AD, Brigadier General Željko Bilić, Head of the Development and Equipping Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Milan Popović, Commander of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade, Brigadier General Tiosav Janković and the Chief of Staff of the Army Command, Brigadier General Vladeta Baltić.