Minister Vulin: This is the largest voluntary enlistment in the last five years
The Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and the Chief of Staff of the Training Command, Colonel Nikola Dejanović visited today soldiers of the “September 2020” generation who are serving voluntary military service. The soldiers are undergoing individual basic training at the Third Training Centre in the Leskovac barracks “Vojvoda Petar Bojović”.
Manual of arms drills, orientation, first aid, automatic rifle handling and preparation for shooting practice are the segments of training that the soldiers of the September generation are undergoing and that were shown to the Minister of Defence today.
Minister of Defence points out that he is especially happy and proud that this is the largest voluntary enlistment in the last five years and he says that even the coronovirus could not prevent such a great class of young men and women from serving their country.
- As long as we have generations like this, as long as we prepare and train like this, Serbia can rest assured that it will be free and independent like it always has been – said Minister Vulin.
Among NCOs in charge of the training of the September class of soldiers is Colour Sergeant Dejan Ranđelović who points out that during individual basic training, soldiers learn basic military actions necessary for further military service, and later for performing duties of professional soldiers of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- Individual basic training is their first encounter with weapons and equipment and everything that is available in the Serbian Armed Forces and the units where they will continue doing their military service. They encounter personal weapons for the first time, they learn how to handle them and carry out familiarization fire. What is characteristic for this generation is that the soldiers are exceptionally motivated. It is an honour and pleasure to work with such a group of people – emphasized Colour Sergeant Ranđelović and added that there are 204 soldiers in Leskovac who will take the oath of enlistment on 25th September.
Private Aleksandar Kostić from the Leskovac region decided to enlist in the armed forces voluntarily because of the new experience and the desire to get a job in the Serbian Armed Forces.
For Private Todor Sretenov from Niš, military service is family tradition that he wants to continue.
- Many members of my family did military service, and some are employed in the Serbian Armed Forces. I came here to continue this tradition and also because of the challenges that we have in the military. Everything is new for us here, but we have found our way around and we are excellent. Life in the barracks is excellent, food is delicious, and accommodation is fantastic. I have no objections – says Sretenov and emphasizes that he is planning to join the armed forces as a professional soldier after he completes his military service.
The basic training of the September 2020” generation of soldiers will last until the middle of October after which they will be transferred to specialist centres where they will undergo specialist individual training.