Minister Vulin for the Chinese CCTV Television: Celebrating victory means nurturing peace and it is a warning for the future
“Without the big Communist Party of the People's Republic of China it would not have been possible to achieve such a magnificent victory. Someone has to stir up people, organize and inspire them, set an example with their own behaviour, fight and patriotism“, said the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin in an exclusive interview for the central news channel of the Chinese CCTV Television on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the victory of the People's Republic of China in the war against Japan and the World Anti-Fascism War.
- We cannot forget that China started the Second World War before everyone else and ended it after everyone else. If it hadn’t been for that, those soldiers might have been in the Soviet front or some other front. The Chinese people made a great sacrifice and the Chinese Communist Party deserves credit for gathering the people, leading them and not stopping until the very end - said Minister Vulin and emphasized that this day is not only Victory Day for the Chinese people, but for the people of the whole world.
In the war that determined the future of the world, the Chinese nation and the Chinese people made great sacrifices, said Minister Vulin and added that “celebrating victory means nurturing peace and it is a warning for the future, and promoting the great anti-fascist sprit is the best consolation to the ancestors who gave their lives for freedom”.
- It is very important to nurture the culture of remembrance. Our ancestors put us on the better side of the world. They won a place for us on the better side of the world. China and Serbia are very distant countries, geographically speaking, but they defend the same values – said Minister Vulin for the Chinese CCTV Television.