Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting of Minister Vulin with Minister of Defence of PR China General Fenghe

Today, on the sidelines of the Conference of ministers of defence of the states participating in the Commonwealth of Independent Stes, member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and Common Security Treaty Organisation which is taking place in Moscow, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin met Minister of Defence of the PR China Wei Fenghe. The interlocutors expressed their mutual satisfaction with the excellent defence cooperation in the framework of the overall good cooperation of the two countries, which is defined and directed by presidents and supreme commanders Aleksandar Vučić and Xi Jinping.
- We greatly appreciate the support of China to resolution of the status of Kosovo and Metohija through peaceful means - Minister Vulin pointed out and expressed gratitude for the strong support of China to legitimate demands of Serbia aimed at preservation of its territorial integrity.
As Minister Vulin stressed “on its own part, Serbia strongly and consistently supports the policy of “One China”, its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The friendship of steel between Serbia and China was reconfirmed in the best possible way in difficult circumstances of fight against corona virus, when China sent to Serbia its team of top experts who helped Serbia immensely with their experience and advice on how to supress the outbreak.
- The precious assistance in medical equipment given by China will never be forgotten, because the assistance came the first and it arrived when it was needed the most, and it came from our friends who had not forgotten about us even in times when they themselves waged a battle against the dangerous and yet invisible adversary - Minister Vulin said.
General Fenghe said that China had conquered the corona virus, and that they had not had a single new case of COVID-19 infection for 20 days, and that it was ready at any moment to continue providing its assistance to Serbia with what is needed in the fight against the pandemic.
Serbia remains firmly devoted to the strategic partnership with China desiring to further strengthen defence cooperation - Minister Vulin highlighted.
Ministers Vulin and Fenghe agree in their evaluation that their defence cooperation is intensive and developed and on the continuous rise, with opportunities for further enhancement.