Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: We pay special attention to reconnaissance units

Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Deputy Chief of General Staff Major General Petar Cvetković visited members of Reconnaissance Company of the 20th Command Battalion in the Second Army Brigade, who are conducting special conditions training on the Mountain of Goč near Kraljevo.
- Reconnaissance units are very important segment of our Army. These are ready, well trained and well prepared fighters capable of penetrating deep into enemy territory, to retrieve information and execute every single task assigned to them. This is exactly why we pay special attention to them, so they have different uniforms, and different equipment. We are trying to provide appropriate stimulation in order for them to be satisfied and motivated to perform really hard and demanding job – Minister Vulin stated after the visit.

“The physical fitness, that the members of reconnaissance units clearly possess, is not the only thing that they need to successfully execute their tasks” stresses Minister Vulin and ads that, apart from that, they require knowledge, persistent and hard work on training and permanent learning.
- All members of the Serbian Armed Forces are always trained and always equipped, but the members of units such as reconnaissance units show us all how much you can achieve when you are motivated, when you have good superior officers and when you love your profession – Minister Vulin said.

Commander of the Reconnaissance Company of the 20th Command Battalion in the Second Army Brigade Major Srđan Svilar explains which segments of the training were demonstrated during today’s visit.

- On the first working point, we showed martial arts training and knife-throwing training. On the second working point, we demonstrated tactical training for special engagement and work of a reconnaissance group, and on the third working point we presented examples of survival training – Major Svilar explained, adding that during special conditions summer training, members of the Reconnaissance Company prepare for execution of tasks in difficult terrain conditions and conditions of restricted food and water supply.
Senior Sergeant Ivan Vučković is one of the members of Reconnaissance Unit who demonstrated how one can obtain food provisions, and how those provisions are prepared and kept.

- While gathering information, we need to stay in enemy territory, and if logistics is not available in that moment, we have to prepare food ourselves. On the working point called autonomous alimentation in nature, we demonstrated how the food that we have caught is cooked. We see that it can be dried, smoked, and bread can be baked… From plants we have prepared a great number of beverages and teas which are used for strengthening immunity and refreshment of organism, so that we can proceed with execution of our tasks. The animals that we prepare include various kinds of snakes, venomous and non-venomous, frogs, fish, crabs, snails, and by placing traps we catch does, rabbits, peasants and insects which we can use for alimentation – said Senior Sergeant Vučković.

Senior Sergeant First Class Ivan Radosavljević spoke about equipment used by members of Reconnaissance Company.
- We showed new generation optoelectronic devices, that we received recently, which include one drone. We also showed devices that have been in use of the Reconnaissance Company for some time, which are used by members of the Second Army Brigade for execution of their daily, regular tasks, especially during execution of tasks in Ground Safety Zone. The assets are highly reliable and offer high quality gathering of intelligence which we forward to relevant superior command – points out Senior Sergeant First Class Radosavljević and states that some of those assets include thermal vision cameras, spotter, day-night laser rangefinder and passive goggles.

The visit to members of Reconnaissance Company was attended by Chief of Staff of the Army Command Brigadier General Željko Tramošljika.