Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

President of Republic and Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vučić Attended Demonstration of Capabilities of Part of Serbian Armed Forces Units

President Vučić: Demonstration of capabilities showed the great progress that the armed forces have made, how stronger they are and how better our soldiers are equipped and trained

President of Republic and Supreme Commander of Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić attended today demonstration of capabilities of part of the Serbian Armed Forces units at the airfield “Colonel – Pilot Milenko Pavlović” in Batajnica. The demonstration was attended by Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović.

The demonstration included parts of units of Air Force and Air Defence, Army, 72nd Special Operations Brigade and 63rd Paratrooper Brigade.
President Vučić congratulated the minister of defence, Chief of General Staff and all members of the Serbian Armed Forces because they in an exceptional manner demonstrated the capabilities of the armed forces today and he added that it was shown more than ever “how great a progress the Serbian Armed Forces have made, how stronger they are and how better our soldiers are equipped and trained”.

- I would particularly commend the members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, who demonstrated fantastic speed. Until now, I have never seen such speed of our soldiers, who came out first from the helicopter – spotless. Members of the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade displayed extraordinary precision of their parachute jumps using new parachutes – the supreme commander said and announced that 50 new parachutes would arrive on next Monday.

He stressed that he was proud of our paratroopers, since they executed the exercise of “deeper insertion”.

- In Prokuplje, they jumped from a plane, and landed in Niš thus demonstrated how and in what manner they can be inserted deep behind enemy’s back without being noticed – the President of Republic said highlighting that planes MiG-29s were also shown that day and the manner of their fighter protection, air dog fight, which was followed by good assault bomber planes “Eagle”, “which are highly inaudible while arriving but loud on departure, just like the assault plane should be like”.

- You could also see “Small Miloš” in action and it is the first time that a robot exits from transport helicopters and goes to the front line with all our accompanying units. We are pleased with those robots, particularly with robot vehicle for extraction of the wounded, and the way in which we protect both head and body of the soldiers being extracted from theatre where we do not jeopardise lives of soldiers. Our goal is to protect heads of our personnel, and preserve lives and that is why we are pleased. You have witnessed greater speed of “Miloš“due to lithium batteries which allow it and we will manufacture them for all “Small Miloš’s” which are superbly produced by “Prva Petoletka” near Trstenik – President Vučić noted.
He also spoke about the vehicle MRAP 6x6 jointly produced by “Zastava TERVO” and FAP and he expressed his belief that investments would be continued, because demands were great “and we will see how to increase the number of members of the Serbian Armed Forces”.

- Today, you have seen for the first time armed helicopter Mi-17. Until now, you saw them as transport helicopters, but today you have seen them armed with guns and non-guided missile. That represents great novelties. They also showed Mi-35 helicopters “armed to the brim” which are a particular attraction, an exceptional Russian helicopter which we bought so we have four now, and you have also seen H-145M for extraction which we bought from the Europeans. By New Year, we will have 12 PASARSs prepared for our armed forces, but now we have three. For the first time you can see side missiles, 40mm barrel, which is used for low-flying air targets, and for anti-armour and anti-personnel actions – President Vučić explained and added that the Serbian Armed Forces were “seriously armed” and that MISTRAL missiles, with extraordinary impact on both anti-armour and low-flying armoured aircraft, had been ordered and purchased from France and that they would be a part of that armament.

President of Republic congratulated once again the members of the Serbian Armed Forces commending the members of the 41st Infantry Battalion of the Fourth Army Brigade.

- You have seen the level of equipment of all members, completely new equipment, from new rifles to everything else. For me personally it is very important that the morale is high, that the boys are well prepared, that they have more firings, jumps, which will have to be increased in the future, because we are not making the armed forces to threat anyone, or to allot the money and pay only the salaries, but if, God forbid, the need arises, they can be capable to protect our sky and our country and defend if from any potential aggressor. Today, you have witnessed fantastic level of training, extraordinary equipment and considerable novelties during this small demonstration exercise of the Serbian Armed Forces and I am proud of our armed forces – stated President Vučić and announced the presentation of “everything that we have in Air Force and Air Defence” in October, during which, according to him, “the ground would shake”.
Asked to comment on the allegations in certain media regarding the stay of SAF members in Belars, President Vučić stated that the allegations that the Serbian Armed Forces had interfered in internal affairs and unrests in Belarus were malicious lies.

- It is a malicious lie which stated that the Serbian Armed Forces interfered in some internal affairs in Belarus and in internal unrests. Of course, some politicians, well-known for being always against their country, tried to use it in our country as well. You know that every year there is a competition where we send our soldiers – President Vučić explains and adds that nine snipers of the Serbian Armed Forces will compete in this year’s International Military Games, who will upon completion of the competition return to Serbia on 6th September.

President Vučić also noted that the fact that commander, who leads the team of our armed forces at the competition, went out of the base was also misused, although he went out only to buy some fruit for the soldiers whereat he was escorted by his Belarus colleague Colonel Shtukin.

- What can you do? When you have to lead a campaign against someone, then you do not choose the means, and I am very sorry because certain people from Belarus, who are accommodated in Poland, decided to take such step, and attack Serbia by spreading lies – stated President Vučić.
Today’s demonstration at the airfield “Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović” in Batajnica started with flyby of two MiG-29 planes which simulated air dog fight in order to establish supremacy in the air space and create conditions for engagement of fighter-bomber aviation. Then, type “Orao” planes in a strafing run engaged selected targets on the ground. Surveillance and protection of air space were carried out by fighting vehicles of artillery-missile AD system “PANTSIR S-1” in the area of operation.

The segment of the demonstration dedicated to combat search and rescue involved helicopters Mi-17B5 for landing operation of two special force teams and H-145M for evacuation.

The present also saw demonstration of synchronised special forces raid of the facilities where terrorists were located. The special forces were previously dropped from helicopters Mi-8 and Mi-35 using fast-roping technique, while two unmanned platforms “Miloš”, which were dropped for the first time from helicopter Mi-17, provided fire support, while a team from an armoured fighting vehicle “Lazar 3” ensured blockade in the area of engagement.

The demonstration of competence of part of Serbian Armed Forces units was concluded by paratroopers’ jump An-26 plane from the altitude of more than 1,500 metres, while the parachutes opened at the height of 1,200 metres.
At the end of today’s demonstration President Vučić visited tactical and technical display of weapons produced by national defence industry which make the equipment of the Serbian Armed Forces under the project “1500+” which include vehicles MRAP M-20 6x6, “Lazar 3” with rifle squad equipped with new arms from production programme of “Zastava Weapons” company, optoelectronic sights produced by “Teleoptik-Žiroskopi” and sets of protective ballistic equipment produced by company “Jumko Vranje”.

The display also included fighting armoured vehicle “Miloš” 4x4, FAV CIV for infantry battalion commander, unmanned platform “Miloš L“, and unmanned aerial vehicle system “Sparrow”, combat drone and optoelectronic device for surveillance by day and night MIP-1. Visitors attached great attention to anti-aircraft self-propelled artillery-missile system PASARS.

Preparation and execution of the demonstration was responsibility of Air Force and Air Defence Command headed by its Commander Major General Duško Žarković. The demonstration was led by Chief of Staff of Air Force and Air Defence Command Brigadier General Aleksandar Bjelić.